
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten


Alextreme about monoculture, viri and users

Alextreme has a nice post about the cause of viruses at his blog. He mades some points I'm making too for some time now [maybe I should write those irritations/thinkerings down here before alextreme beats me again]. The monoculture of windows [and the non-security by default settings] is a …

More little gnomes

BTW, I've put up a little screenie of me browsing my own blog at my own user at the gnome install. I created my own user so I can mess around with Gnome without getting my dad angry [he likes the default Morphix theme]. So linux is running quite fine …

Little gnomes

I'm typing this on my dad's pc. I've just finished the tweaking of his brand new Morphix Gnome install :) I must admit, Gnome 2.4 is really nice to work with [for your interest, I'm working with XFce4 for 9 months or something now and like the simplicity of it …

Work work at a no longer sunny day

And here I am again, at my work. Outside the sun stopped shining. Well, not exactly, luckily, but it's hidden by clouds now. At my desk are the usual computer things and two little boxes with a the better part of 250 business cards with my name on it. And …

Friday, sunny Friday

And the Sun shines. Yesterday it was the first sunny day in weeks [I'm not quite exaggerating], and it keeps on shining until Sunday, the weather forecasters say. Then it's going to rain or snow. Yeah, whatever. If it's going to change so dramatically, then let it snow for some …

Phone delayed

By the way, did I mention I ordered the Sony Ericsson Z200 I mentioned earlier on? Well, I did last Friday, but I got an e-mail last Tuesday stating the model wasn't in stock, so it was delayed a few days. Is it because I want a rare model [I …

Flaming fox, lots of work and a thing called VU

When you keep a rantbox, you should rant from time to time. So here I am again ;) . However, I'll switch to blog-mode, because my life isn't that annoying at the moment. Bummer. First I would like to put my most used program in the spotlights: Mozilla Firefox. This is the …

Hmm, Valentine's day

Take an interesting concept, Valentine's day. Make it as commercially as it is today. Then throw in those very interesting creatures called women. Result: a dilemma. Why? Because "you should not only give me attention at this day alone" etc. [and that's a very good point]. But if you don't …

Thou can stick It in Thyne Ars

Well, I'm totally pissed of by the e-mail I got a few days back from the supervisor of the Computer Networks assignment. We worked 2 times 5 months 3 days in the week on it, and all we got was a lousy e-mail stating something like "sorry, you didn't make …

Looking beyond our electrical stars

... you can see things far more brilliant. This thought occurred to me while walking back home after parking our car in the garage, looking up to a windy but clear sky. I spended this afternoon with my girlfriend, continuing a nice weekend that started Friday after my last classes. Friday …


Heheheheh, now my skin is screaming. Shouldn't have taken a shower _that_ hot =) Now where is my Gorillaz cd...

Rammstein mood

I'm in a Rammstein mood at the moment. Freaking weather [had to ride my bike through an almost freezing, but in any way very wet storm...], and that freaking University. To many courses to follow, however it should be doable. It's just that I'm feeling overwhelmed. So I felt like …

I feel like screaming

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrggghhhhhhh Stupid University thingee, stupid weather, stupid life. That was all I wanted to say for now. Thank you.

Gadget spree

It's the time of the year again. I'm in love with several gadgets :) First, there is this TV card I'm going to buy anyway [because it's a kind of birthday present]. And now there's a little cellphone I've a crush on. Oh, and there's a nice project helping a little …


Well, this certainly is a busy week. Been studying all day at Monday, working at Tuesday, hardcore TCP and HTTP progging at Minix at Wednesday. Then got quite drunk at a party of the Biology department. This morning I woke up without a hangover, but not quite awake [a little …

Downs and ups

Whee! Finished coding the httpc and httpd yesterday. Some extensive testing of the daemon has been done already, but I should make it a little more solid. You can let it hang by sending just the request "blah" to it, without linefeeds ;) Anyway, when finally using your TCP implementation, all …


Coffee: the liquid to rule them all. Besides beer. Oh, and Wodka and Red Bull [both pure, thank you]. But coffee is a nice way to kinda wake up. Without it, my world would be a bigger mess then it already is. Speaking 'bout messes: I sincerely hope not, but …

Damn projects :)

Well, after finishing computer graphics it's now hurrying to get Computer Networks ready for the end of January [end before the last normal test at next Tuesday]... If that's not enough, I've got an exam at Monday the 19th. Yeah, that's next Monday. Gotta study real quick now... On another …

aMaze - Take two :)

There it is. A nice binary windows distribution :). "Why? That's evil! Binary only!". Er, yeah, but I don't want to release my sourcecode until it's readable without getting a heart attack ;) Besides, I want to wait until the gradings are known so noone can "borrow" some code from me. And …

aMaze - The project

Well, anybody interested in screenies of aMaze, my project for Computer Graphics, should check out this screenies page. Now that's the nicest C program I made thus far :) Yeah, they're kinda large, and my upstream is only 320 kbit/s, so please have some patience ;)