
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten


California Dreaming.... ZzzZzz

I'm so sleepy right now. It's weird: I was kind of awake and then sleep hit me in the middle of my math classes [maybe coincidence] and never left me since. But I have an assigment to finish [yeah, that little C++ course program. Why am I doing those classes …

What the hell am I doing here

I've been busy today rewriting the [x]html of the aquariusoft.org site, making it xhtml1.1 on the fly and creating a stylesheet from scratch. I should be working on the C++ course assignment however. Well, guess what's more fun ;) And then there's too much to read on the …

Nicely colored bugs and the smell of blogmarks

So I installed the aquariusoft.org bugtracker. It doesn't contain many projects yet, but that will change soon. It features some nice color tags tho' :) In other news: I finally finished the backend for the blogmarks [like it was *that* hard...], so now I can post them like rantbox entries …

Coffee is good, in contrary to my daily rhythm

Coffee considered a Good Thing(tm), especially espresso. But only 3-4 cups a day. Now that's what I drink max, so that's ok with me ;) But they say that I should avoid instant... Too bad. In other news: I got an air mail of the Domain Registry of America with …

Blogging and me

I guess that I wasn't in a verbose mood the last few days. I sat the whole day with my laptop in my lap, just browsing and browsing and browsing. This weekend wasn't that much better. More tomorrow. I hope =) Like anybody cares anyway.

RSS 2.0

I've reworked the RSS feed code, so it does validate now. It was RSS 1.0 [kinda], and now it is valid RSS 2.0. Weeeh :) If only Feedreader was able to understand the tags, I would be able to read my own blog at work =) Thankfully, Straw works …

Attack the right evils

And when I'm at the subject of videogames; in the same interview he says the following: "You want to look at something that's screwing up kids' lives, drugs are a horrendously horrible, horrible problem. They're a very real problem that we haven't been able to deal with. You can go …

Phone reloaded

BTW, did I tell you I'm going to keep my cellphone however it can't act as a modem? Well, I'm going to, because it's just so - cute =) *shiver*

Violence and video games: an opinion

I was reading an interview with Eugene Jarvis [the creator of legendary arcade video games Defender and Robotron - BTW, you got to view an advertisement for some seconds to read the whole article], and he's got an opinion about the "relation" between violence of youth and videogames: on this page …

Cellphone has arrived. Issues :|

Me and my stupid gadgets. I got my latest one today^Wyesterday; the Sony Ericsson Z200 I mentioned earlier on. It took a while [maybe because it is that kind of rare I like about it], but this morning it arrived. Weeeh :) Anyways, it's cute =) Can a cellphone be cute …

Snowboarding officially declared cool

OK, the party was nice. Very nice :) I kept on crashing into the snow [kinda hurts, but it was big fun], and at last I was sort of navigating myself downhill. The lessons where junk, but I guess that was because our group was way to large. The free hour …

Indoors snowboarding in the near future

My near future that is: at 3PM I am going to Snowworld with my colleagues and my girlfriend is coming along too. Most of us are going to take lessons [snowboarding is not one of our basic skills :)], and then we are unleashed on the indoor piste. It will be …

Blog^WRantbox update

And there it is: shiny and new, well not that new, but it's enhanced. With even more caffeine and stuff. Oh, and free bargain fonts for your OS [not on this site =)]. At least it has a free RSS feed for your free windows feedreader or *nix counterpart [or your …

Work, work. Okiedokie. Ow, and SNOW :)

*Warcraft III flashback*. Well, I've finished my Databases I assignment for tomorrow^Wtoday. Furthermore, I'm busy adding whole lots of new functionality to this blog [nice enhancements to various navigation things], a soon-to-be-here(tm) RSS feed and such. On a whole other note: it was a very nice day today …

Stupid Americans and their chainletters

If you recently received a letter in support of the Iraq war, urging you to pass it along to your local paper, have a look at Teresa Nielsen Hayden's online, interactive, participatory shredding of it before you do. Now those letters are kinda scary. What kind of people are behind …

Weird security risk policies

I just came along an old Boingboing posting about the authors daughter being on the CAPPS list as a security risk. Just how stupid/scary can a Department of Homeland Security "war" become?

Delphi and snow fun

And finally I'm doing something different at work. I'm coding in Delphi again [it seems that a long time ago I was actually rented as Delphi programmer, but I've done almost every modern programming language since :) ]. HTTP uploading/downloading of large files. Kinda interesting and refreshingly different from thinkering with …