
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten


Smells like hardstyle

Ah, the joys of ID&T radio... They have hardstyle night on Wednesdays, and that's exactly what I was in need for :) Yeah, as you can guess, not everything went right today. I hadn't studied enough material to do something useful on the ITI exam, but the Operating Systems exam …

3 exams, one day

A quick blurp in between some "serious" studying for three exams I have this week [one tomorrow, two on Wednesday]. Last weekend wasn't as productive as I hoped it was [computers sooo distract while reading slides from them and I'm sooo weak], so here I am trying to read as …

A Case of History Repeating

As Shirley Bassey song a long time ago, and Propellerheads mixed into some really nice new version, it's all just a case of history repeating. We've seen it all before. Look at the very odd behaviour of the Israeli's against the Palestinians: they are building a security wall, making a …

Life as I know it

Reading the discussion about Linux between Andy Tanenbaum and Linus Torvalds while I should study Operating Systems [by the same AST] and enjoying the cool breeze through my open window, I can't help but liking my life. This sounds rather fluffy, but what's wrong with a life existing of thinkering …

Planning and me

So I'm facing a nice busy schedule for the next two months or something, which I'm hoping to survive by planning my days better [see the post by Jeremy C. Wright], getting myself in a rhythm again [I think the idea of Manuzhai to wake up at 9AM even if …

Rhythm? Whazdah? And Minix? Is that edible?

I'm going to have to work seriously about some rhythm in my day-to-day activities. Like sleeping. Sleeping is good, and if you have a good sleeping rhythm, life is good. Just look at my cat. He sleeps the whole day and gets free food and is allowed to play outside …

Jane Doe

Some friend of mine - rest assured, I won't mention your name Hedda - told some nice stories about her Jane [search her blog for more info, for those with minds dirty enough ;)] instead of programming nicely at her Computer Networks Assignment with her practicum partner. Had lots of fun trying to …

Weather forecast:: (null)

[WeatherNotFoundException in:/system/environment/content/weatherState.java] Cannot retrieve mapping for action /showWeather' I guess my system just doesn't buy the current shizzle drizzle as weather. Stupid spring :) I can't disagree with Java's need to have some Sun ;) As I said in a comment to my previous posting, I'm trying …

Me, hacking, school and life

So here I am, sitting behind my desktop workstation as usual, hacking away at my aquariusoft.org website [I use a s3kr1t url for the prototype ;)], reading my daily overload of news and blogs and trying to figure out how I can do a 20 minute presentation of a 5 …

Computer anecdotes

Heh, well I've got my share of computers anecdotes from the last few days. First of all, my server died. It turned out to be a bad motherboard [and maybe a too light power supply], but at first I thought the main HDD drive had died. That would have been …


I just booted XCalibur, my server, successfully. I replaced the motherboard [the other was b0rked, if I'm right], so now it has a nice Asus A7V8X-X heart. However, this has onboard LAN, so I left out the ethernet card. But then the Woody install didn't have LAN anymore. Turned out …

"Writing" a paper

What is it about me and writing papers? Well, papers about subjects I don't really, _really_ care about? I just don't get them done. Well, this one doesn't have to be lengthy, so I'm going to act tomorrow like it has to be submitted that evening. Guess I'll be finished …

Fun with logs and referrers

Alextreme's fun with referrers and porno links. I guess they found his hidden pr0n site ;) I'm currently [well sometimes, when I'm in the mood] implementing a log digging script, so I can marvel at the useless information my logs remember for me, so I guess there are a few pearls …

Well, that was entertaining...

Went to TINE yesterday. It was a little bit boring, except for some of the smaller stands and the [somewhat forced] discussion about Open Source and Linux in commercial use and with the government. We came along the stand of Amaze, a small company building a CMS in Python. Maybe …

I just got raped

While sleeping in Breedster, I got raped by a girl - Pink Babe. Talking about a weird game :) Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 23:39:42 +0200 (CEST) From: Breedster To: aquatix Subject: Breedster - Pink Babe -PinkFam- has mated you Hi aquatix, Pink Babe -PinkFam- has mated you. 2 …