
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten


"I feel good - tadadadadadadah" :)

It was a lovely day today. First of all: the sun shined while it wasn't quite supposed to. Second, I'm currently copying 3 albums to a 256MB memorystick I bought earlier today so I can listen to them from my pda. I got a fresh haircut [boy that was needed …

Grades and stuff

While it's not that bad as this girl describes, my grades aren't great either. I'm doing some classes now that just aren't interesting, but I want them finished before I go on and do the far more interesting Master courses. Maybe I should have a change of scenery too [move …

Antivirus spam by ISPs

When will ISPs finally realize that the replies with "you've send an e-mail that contains a virus to one of our addresses" [in this case Netsky.Q] are futile? Those viruses contain made up From: addresses, so you don't even know who send it at all. I don't want …

Reading logic. Order matters ;)

Reversed the order comments where sorted at: now it's chronological and that's far more logical ;) Now that I'm at that point: top posting in an email or usenet message seems to be considered not done. I was a little confused when I saw the strong reactions someone got when he …

Some more blog [and real life] updates

I updated the comments design today. It looks a lot cleaner now, shows linebreaks as actual breaks and the system sends me an email when someone adds a comment. Neat :) A lot of internal code cleanup makes it actually a nice package I could release. I'm wondering if I want …

The opposite of technophobia

It's kinda sad: I just don't feel right when I don't have some electronic gadget with me. It doesn't matter where I'm going or what I bring with me - cellphone, pda, laptop, whatever - but I just have to bring some of my gadgets to feel at ease. Some example of …

Work work

[Anybody who's played WarCraft III, remember the Orcs saying "Work work" - that's what's playing in my mind now :)]. Anyway, setting up a new website with a co-worker at the moment. Converting html designs into java jsp's, setting up xml files and stuff. Big fun :| Ah well, we've planned to play …

Update done :)

Just updated the whole thing. Have fun with it and please mail me [or react :)] if anything b0rks! BTW, notice the new blogmark feed :)

Blog feature bloat

Working on tons of new stuff, so stay tuned. Maybe I'll even finish it tonight. Hm, then I'll be kinda sleepy at work tomorrow; maybe a bad idea. I'll see :)

News of today, April 14

First of all [text borrowed from Debian.org]: protest against software patents in Europe. Most software will become illegal to use in Europe if this dangerous directive is adopted without proper amending. The Commission and the Council of Ministers are covertly pushing for unlimited patentability of software, heavily lobbied by …

Things to cry about

Installing [or updating, actually] winxp on a Dell with a cracked screen. Ow, and a b0rked space bar. Why do people always have to abuse pc's? It has such a nice resolution [1400x1050], but it's all fscked up [pictures will follow]. Ow, did I mention the spacebar is fricking b0rked …

I don't care about accessibility

Jeffrey Veen says exactly what I'm trying to say to my colleagues for some time now: if you design a website right, you don't need to worry about whether or not "it works in Mozilla" or in Opera, or IE or Lynx. It just does. Great article.

New spiffy sunglasses :)

So I went out Saturday with my girlfriend to buy some new clothes. It took a little while, but I got some new summer-suitable clothing [weird taste those fashion people nowadays have...]. Nothing quite interesting [well, some weird pants :)], but I bumped into new sunglasses too. Nice :) GF had to …

I'm still alive

Yeah, I'm still around. Went to the dentist [everything fine, just a checkup], bought a usb bluetooth dongle on the way back home, so now I'm able to connect my pda via bluetooth with my computer [in this case my linux laptop]. I install the BlueZ packages and even got …

Update about my boring life

Well, not quite boring, but not very exiting either. I got my Clie and foldable keyboard on Monday [while I was at work, so I had to wait half a day to come home and play with it... :)]. They both work great. The Clie TH55 has such a nice screen …

The news of April 3rd

Yeah I know it's already Sunday the 4th. So what? In the dead tree newspaper I read regularly [Dutch site], there was a quote from a lawyer, stating "If integrating means you do blindly what Bush says, lets pray to Allah, Buddha and Jesus we won't integrate" [original Dutch version …

Why does IE suck so much...?

I've been thinkering with the new design of my aquariusoft.org website today, and I just fired up my laptop, booted it to win2k, started Firefox, browsed to the new version; everything fine. Opera 7; not everything fine, but fixed quite fast. IE 6; everything borked... I so hate it …