
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten


I should do more AI

Just did the exam of Knowledge Representation Systems, an AI course. Haven't answered that much of bullshit in ages. Great fun :) It was about fuzziness, probability and stuff, so I answered in fuzzy sentences and thought back about The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy [Probability Drive anyone?] This all sounded …

Sixties geek?

Hm, I don't know what to think of it, but obviously I'm: edited at 2004-06-29 21:50 Hm, because of the "all of the above" nature of some items I redid it slightly different and I'm now a Any way you look at it, I'm - erm - a hippie geek?

Some more useless features for this blog

Just finished implementing the archive of this blog, tuning the mini navigation thingees and adding a third feed: a feed including the comments my one reader makes :). Was thinking about a way to let users of feed aggregators [like, all sane people] know that a comment was posted, when I …

Microsoft and malware

I'm subscribed to Bugtraq and one of the emails on the list today was this one: Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 18:53:04 -0000 From: [protected] To: bugtraq_no@securityfocus_valid_email.com Subject: Microsoft and Security Where is Microsoft now "protecting their customers" as they love to bray? Should not someone …

The GMail gadget

So I finally got through to my account. Still sounds nice, 1000MB [hm, that's no GB :) ], but hey, my server has a bigger HDD :P Still, this is one of the cooler gadgets I got lately. Thanks again Manuzhai!

Happy birthday dear dammIT :P

BTW, I just found out dammIT went 6 months old last Sunday :) It's first real entry is written at 2003-12-20, while it came online at 2003-12-21. So whatever way you look at it, it's officially half a year old now. A friend of mine, which happenes to have a website …

More navigation thingees

While trying to find an old link I put in my blogmarks repository, I found out to my astonishment I didn't even have navigation for that section. So when I had some time today [exam was over quite fast - haven't decided if that's a Good Thing(tm)] I fixed that …

New logo

So I finally made a fitting logo for dammIT. XCalibur is my server, and I thought it was a nice enough picture, but what the hell did it have to do with my blog? So I fired up the Gimp and fiddled around with layers, fonts and drop shadows; low …

GMail Terms of use goodness

4. Content of the Service. Google takes no responsibility for third party content (including, without limitation, any viruses or other disabling features), nor does Google have any obligation to monitor such third party content. Google reserves the right at all times to remove or refuse to distribute any content on …

Yay, it's summer. More yay: GMail

So it seems to be summer now. Not that I think this drizzly weather is worth that stamp, but at least it's official. So, weather gods: where is our summer??? Thanks to Manuzhai, who had some invitations to give away, I now have a GMail account to play with! Thanks …

Look mom, without wires

Well look at me. Now I'm completely happy being online with a laptop without any wires or other plug-in thingees [like a wifi card]. It's running from it's battery and using one of the [heavily secured] wifi spots at the VU with it's build-in wifi mini-pc-card-thingee. Too bad I have …

It just works (tm)

Well, I'm happy; I installed aquamorph today and with some hassles [aquamorph tools thought they were still dealing with lilo, while the new base uses grub] I now have a Debian GNU/Linux sid install here :D On the native resolution of my screen [1400x1050] that is, with help from …


First: wow, that laptop is cool - well, hot atm, but whatever. It certainly is faster than any other workstation I own and it's finally more quiet than those vacuum cleaners I own :D So, what have I been doing lately? Mostly worked some more. Visited a nice housewarming party [very …


Was about to go sleep early yesterday, but I ended up trying to fix a Windows computer at my gf's place that refused to log anyone in. Recovered some files for her sister and brother so they can work on them on other pc's [yay aquamorph with ntfs read- and …


Pong. Just to say I'm still alive ;) Working 6 days a week is easier then I thought it would be. I get loads of stuff done. For my work that is. I hope I can sustain a comparable rhythm when this working spree is over, so I can get some …

Scary stuff

After a week in which a mother killed her own three children to be able to keep them near her after her death [she killed herself by jumping in front of a train; she wanted some peace after a fight with her ex-husband lasting for years], someone stealing a baby …

Weird stuff

Finally some day off yesterday and I manage to b0rk my workstation. Turned out to be a software issue, the first real issue I have with my GNU/Linux install. I updated my Debian sid install and rebooted, only to find my system in a crashed state some seconds later …

Beer and pancakes with sugar

...how's that for a dinner? Tastes quite good actually :) Ah, I'm ready for an easy evening. Maybe I could hack somewhat at this site? BTW, Alex, nice days in Brazil! It's a little bit early, but at least now you're able to read this ;) Hope you will enjoy the trip …


Happy birthday to both my girlfriend and Alex! I owe you a beer Alex :) And I owe my girlfriend a lot more ;)