
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten


First: wow, that laptop is cool - well, hot atm, but whatever. It certainly is faster than any other workstation I own and it's finally more quiet than those vacuum cleaners I own :D

So, what have I been doing lately? Mostly worked some more. Visited a nice housewarming party [very nice house you have Harrie en Vanessa!] aka birthday party of those people. Then slept most of the Sunday that followed, rest of it spending with my laptop on my - well - lap installing some OSS on it. On winxp that is. D4 p41|\| ... Ah well, spend most of today preparing a new aquamorph cd, which I just burned with the build-in cd burner of this laptop. Booting it right now.

W00t it just started fine! So after a non functioning version I builded yesterday [for the insiders: something to do with a too new version of cloop] I finally have a new aquamorph cd again. I'm going to stress test this thing and will likely release something usable in The Near Future(tm). [Mind that I have to spend this work studying for three exams. Ah well, Morphix is more fun :) ].

Off for some playing with aquamorph [what is it with me and version numbers :P ]