
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten

posts Articles

Morphest 2005 coming to an end…

The last hacking session just ended and we’re wrapping things up, packing stuff. I finally made aquamorph start Xfce4 properly [stupid permission thing on /tmp/.ICE-unix …], so now I can start building a minimod modifying the user interface, making things a lot nicer for the user. Hopefully I …

Morphest 2005: Late night hacking

So this night I went to bed at 4AM, after having fiddled around trying to get Xfce4 to actually start up when booting aquamorph. It looks like the startup scripts don’t call the startxfce4 script I was looking at, and I was looking at why the hell not ;) Alex …

Morphest 2005: First evening with the crew

It has just started, but the first evening with the whole crew is awesome. We are eating pancakes Alex is baking [he’s a lot slower cooking than we with us ten can eat :P], and discussing stuff, hacking kernels, trying to get livecd’s to work at laptops [why …

Morphest 2005: An impression

OK, we’re having fun here in a room stuffed [no: *stuffed*] with equipment and our new Morphix Morphest 2005 shirts. Take a look at our Flickr Morphest 2005 page. I’m currently uploading some new ones, and it’ll be uploaded the rest of Morphest. Enjoy :) Olivier just gave …

Morphest 2005: First arrivals

Alextreme and Gandalfar [Jure] have arrived a few hours ago after a really exciting *cough* trip, with Jure almost traveling half a day by plain [or rather: sitting around at the airport]. They’ve brought they’re laptops and Alex his workstation/server and some miles of UTP cable. Too …

What to do about clueless teachers

I’m at this moment sitting in a room with some bored people, some people who’re doing a presentation and a teacher, who’s giving this new course for the first time. It’s called Advanced Topics in Software Design, and it’s quite fun, except for the moments …

Morphest 2005: HOWTO

The email I just sent out to the participants: Hi folks, as Morphest 2005 is drawing near, you would certainly want some additional information about what, how, where, when and why. WHAT Having fun, doing some Morphix stuff, getting to know each other better, drooling on gadgets, drinking beer, drinking …

The general quality of TV

Recently the well-known small-cellphone-companies-eating Vodafone has been advertising with “the best of tv on your mobile” — of course over UMTS, which is still expensive as hell. That’s fine with me — I simply don’t use it — but what amuses me is that they appearently define “the best of tv …

Windows usability

And why does the windows update window suddenly disappear when I click the ‘Install’ button; why is the ‘Configure automatic updates’ option in that same window some sort of hyperlink instead of a normal button, why… Why keeps everybody saying that windows provides a consistent, userfriendly user interface? [/me looks …

Updating windows

I booted my laptop into windows today for checking some things in the work-administration-tool thingee of my work [which beautifully only works right in IE], and saw the little yellow shield with the exclamation mark sitting next to the clock. It turned out to be downloading new updates in the …

Running on audeine

I’m running on audeine [aural caffeine, aka good music — yeah, I just made up that word] and sugar at this moment. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I figure it could be an autumn-dip. I haven’t seen the sun in a good few days …

Internet Explorer doing Peek-a-boo

While I was redesigning the Dutch Mapleleaves Basketball club site [at this moment still the old, very ugly Fr***p*** generated version with a java menu], I noticed a very strange bug: in IE6, text would vanish [or not appear at all], and [re]appear when hovering over a …

IE6, Netscape and Firefox vulnerabilities

They all have several flaws, as can even be heard in the national news from time to time. Compare them here [IE6] [advisories of 2005], here [Netscape 8.x] [advisories of 2005] and here for Mozilla Firefox [advisories of 2005]. Look closely. No one is flawless, but Microsoft has a …

Firefly character

I really love the series [got the DVD box here sitting next to me], so when I discovered there was a quiz of it, I took it [thanks Vermyndax!]. I don’t know how accurate this is, but here’s the result of the test: You scored as The Operative …

Starting up Morphest 2005

So, over at #morphix at the irc.freenode.net IRC server, we decided it was time for a gathering of hardcore Morphers. As The Netherlands is the homebase of both alextreme [the founder], as me [little old Morphix veteran], and we live in the vicinity of a large airport [Amsterdam …

In case of b0rkage, press Refresh

I’m tweaking some stuff at this weblog, so please do a Ctrl+R, F5 or whatever it is your browser uses to refresh pages and other files [like the stylesheet this site uses]. Things will look better [at least, they will look like I intend them to]. Too bad …

Things You Don’t Want To Hear From Technical Support

“Do you have a sledgehammer or a brick handy?” “That’s right, not even McGyver could fix it.” “So — what are you wearing?” “Duuuuuude! Bummer!” “Looks like you’re gonna need some new dilithium crystals, Cap’n.” “Press 1 for Support. Press 2 if you’re with 60 Minutes. Press …