
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten

posts Articles

Christmas 2006: a new year already almost over again

… and time flies. While enjoying the company of close ones and the food and drinks they serve, I can’t help but contemplating a bit about another year gone by. Did I accomplish the things I wanted to do? Did I live up to the expectations of the people around …

Three years of rants: dammIT

Today is the third anniversary of this good ol’ rantbox of mine. Putting online my frustrations, thoughts, ideas and pieces of life still is fun, so expect more annoyances coming from my way to you in the future ;) BTW, if you visit this site, please do a refresh so you …

Microsoft Exchange administrator: “Microsoft falling”

See Vermyndax’ posting here. And I hear more voices saying the same thing. Will Vista be popular? Yes. It will be used by many people. Everyone will want “the latest and greatest” [forgetting that Apple has some really great software too], but at least a sub group will notice the …

Indoor trees

To comply with the weird tradition of putting an almost dead tree in your home, we brought in an Abies nordmanniana, also known as a Nordmann Fir [or “nice looking Christmas tree” for those who don’t care]. More images in the gallery


We went to Toomler Friday the 8th to see some Comedy Train [5 funny stand-up comedians]. But we really where there to listen some Jules Deelder [Dutch Wikipedia link; let’s just say he’s a very interesting artist, nicknamed the Nighttime Major of Rotterdam - which is another major city …

The Little Angel on the Top of the Christmas Tree

One particular Christmas season a long time ago, Santa was getting ready for his annual trip but there were problems everywhere. Four of his elves got sick, and the trainee elves did not produce the toys as fast as the regular ones so Santa was beginning to feel the pressure …

How to shutdown Vista

Joel on Software had a nice piece on the new Vista’s shutdown choices. It begins with the menu items in the Start menu [sic! ;)]: This makes for 9 choices [7 in the menu and those two icons]. He goes on counting hotkeys etc, getting the total to about 15 …

Voting gets you a license

So, non-voters - if you’re out there - be aware you just missed out on your license to whine about the politics, the system, the country, it’s quirky inhabitants and just things in general :) People who don’t vote out of protest or just can’t bring up the energy …

Life’s little gripes

I just voted. I voted a left-wing party because, well, maybe they suck a little less in governing our country than the half-baked right-ish government we got after that Pim Fortuyn adventure. But maybe they do better in the opposition like they are used to. Who knows? I wonder whether …

Bush bashing

Hey Verm, I never bashed the US in general, only the freaky government, but I’m with Alex on this: America-basher thanks Americans; I wonder when Bush will get his stupidities back on his plate, if ever.

About elections

“Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.”-James Bovard At this moment, both The Netherlands and the US are gearing up to elections. Ours is at November the 22nd, and at this moment the race is between the parties …


Life goes on and things come and go. My girlfriend has been a professional pharmacist for 2+ months now, working full-time, while I am wrapping up the last courses of my computer sciences study, doing its projects in the meanwhile. Alex in the meanwhile got his Master in AI, while …


Today I reached the 10000 spam email count, not counting my university address. Mind that this is from January first this year, so that makes for an average of 10082/308 = 32,7 spam messages a day. Thanks windows botnets!

Life, gotta love it

Today it’s cold. Last night it has been storming, and today it’s not all that much better. I guess it’s nice Halloween weather, whether we celebrate that here or not. It’s also storming a bit in my head, as I look for ways to finish projects …

Geeking out

So, what do you do when waiting outside the Pandadroom [3D cinema at theme park the Efteling - beware, Flash] while already having laid your hands on the polarised glasses for the 3D show? Right:

I saw princess Maxima last Friday

Heading out of the main entrance of my university last Friday the 13th, picking my way through a crowd assembled there, I wondered why they where all craning their necks. Also, the police officers and some officials obviously waiting for somebody made me ask who was being awaited. “Maxima!” was …

We Can Put an End to Word Attachments

Some very good reasons not to use Word and send people Word attachments. It would be nice that people start realising that: Not everyone has MS Office and/or cares about it Word and such aren’t free [lots of people use illegal copies, causing them to think they can …