
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten

Michiel Scholten Articles

Hello 2021

The plague year 2020 has passed. It has been a wild ride, and not all of it bad. Working from home want pretty well, I upgraded my nerdcave quite a bit in the progress, cleaning up a lot of the mess of stuff I assembled there, and even started a …

Seventeen years of dammIT

Well, that experiment obviously didn't work out as planned. I'm not even going to pretend I posted something in between the Wintergatan link and this post1, but I am going to celebrate this little platform of mine. It has been serving me for seventeen years now, and my use …

Goodbye grandma

Today the sad news of the passing of my second grandma didn't quite hit me like a brick - she already wasn't going well - but it brought home the reality of this plague year again. Her husband - grandpa - passed away around the start of this whole circus in February of this …


There's this Martin Molin guy that is a wonderful nerdy musician. He build the original Marble Machine and has been building a Marble Machine X ever since. His channel is a really nice documentary of the process and progress of this project, and provides a lot of detail of the …

Morning stroll through frozen fog

This morning I took a stroll through a park nearby in the kind of weather that is on my little list of favourites: foggy (and cold). The cold part became a hindrance when my fingers started freezing taking pictures, but it sure was refreshing. Swan eating in freezing water Colour …
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Tired, or not enough time

So I'm chronically tired for a while now. It is mainly my own fault, not going to bed early enough. This has a whole spectrum of reasons, some of which hobby-related (evenings are for doing stuff, right?), others kids-related ("go to sleep already"), and there are work emergencies that occur …

Slightly sad about a big dish

Almost a week ago, the massive Arecibo Telescope (part of the Arecibo Observatory) collapsed. It used to be an impressive dish lying flat in the lush green forests of Puerto Rico. The construction already was deemed dangerous and was planned to be demolished, but the event still came as a …
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Ripping a DVD, Linux style

Recently we got a DVD. After turning it around in our hands a few times and giggling at our reflections, we ordered an external USB DVD/CD eater so we actually could ingest some of its contents. As the hip techy people we are, having this material available to us …

Running keeps me sane

I tend to use computers a lot. This leads to having a not-so-great posture, to limbs that could use a bit more variety of movements, and a mind that's getting foggier the more things needing to be done. Years back, I found out that running (jogging) is not as bad …

COVID-19: day 265, on cave improvements

A lot of people used the time spent at home improving said place. This of course had a variety of reasons: from having more time not spent sitting in traffic, to having a bit too much time by not be able to work at all (sucks) to being at home …

December 2020 blog spree

Today I had a conversation with an internet friend of mine (on Riot^H^H^H^HElement), and they confessed hating to blog. To me, that was interesting, as apparently they felt a pressure to write, but would very much prefer not to. Which I think is totally sane …

Energy: Shirobon's album 'Warp'

This excellent album by Shirobon gave me the energy to finish my day. I woke up with aching shoulders, neck, and upper back, so it was a fun day working at my desk. Listening to these retro-inspired tunes while cooking some dinner wrapped that part of the day up in …

About feeds (RSS, Atom)

Use web feeds to subscribe to websites and get the latest content in one place. Feeds put you in control. It’s like subscribing to a podcast, or following a company on Facebook. You don’t need to pay or hand over your email address. You get the latest content …

Uncluttering my wife's brain

I am digitally pretty well organised. I keep notes in places I can actually find them back, I use proper ways of keeping the codebases and projects I work on maintainable not only for myself, but for others (quite a fascinating thought), photo archives are sorted by date, subject, I …


It is no secret that I keep a journal (it might not be very well known too, but it is private anyway). It is not a fancy hard copy journal that some talented people fill with really neat doodles and such, but rather a boring collection of Markdown-formatted text files …
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projectM on Ubuntu

Lately, I was thinking back to the time when I had my 15" CRT monitor (and later my whopping 19" flat CRT) tuned to the beats that Winamp was playing for me. It was a famous plugin called Milkdrop, and it provided nicely psychedelic looking visuals based on the audio …
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