
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten


Comment spam

Gah, why can't they just leave our weblogs alone? Why do those money hungry morons exist? As you may guess I've been getting some comment spam lately. On my self-build weblog. Which sucks. Bigtime, in my eyes. I've been thinking about some changes to the commenting form for some time …

Apartment coming along nicely

In other non-technical news, our new apartment is getting closer to a liveable state every day. The paint surely freshes things up big time, as will the whiting of the various ceilings and stuff next Saturday. Then, if the wallpaper replaces the current dull colours, and the vinyl we ordered …

Resolutions v2005

Well, everybody has some goals for the new year I guess. Mine are basically the same every year--much like anybody else--and are listed here for future reference [no particular order]: Plan. Plan better, more, and do it all according that planning Get from behind that huge CRT or crawl from …

Happy 2005!

A very good new year to you all! Even for those that have another calendar then I have, all the best for you. It will be a very interesting year for us, because of our new house, lots of projects to do [I should make time for a Morphix / aquamorph …

A journey to the north and some colour puzzles

Christmas was nice [except for the terrible event in Asia, may they be blessed with lots of tourists spending their money to rebuild the places]. We had presents on Christmas eve, more delicious food on Christmas day and went on a journey to the North of the Netherlands on Boxing …

Ho ho ho

Merry Christmas to you all! Even when you don't celebrate it, a good weekend to you! I'm currently listening to the Christmas album of the 8bitpeople; quite an extraordinairy work of synthesizer music from old 8 bits [game]computers. You can download their music from the website, so check it …

Thanks Poland!

Thanks to Poland the proposal to allow software patents has been postponed [Dutch link]. Our Dutch minister Brinkhorst and State Secretary Karien van Gennip where trying to sneak in a so-called A-item proposal on the Agriculture and Fishery conference to push the motion through the system. However, it seems they …

Cheers @ dammIT and Xfce 4.2

Did you know... ...dammIT--this weblog--has turned one year old today? Lots of things have changed in that year, a lot has stayed the same. Same shit, different day. ...Xfce 4.2 [RC2 and companions] is cool? I've just installed it on my trusty old AMD Duron 750MHz workstation and it's …

Firefox NYT ad

In case anybody didn't see it already: The New York Times advertisement for Mozilla Firefox 1.0. Go go OSS communities!

Edible == good. Everything is edible

Soooo, had quite a nice day today. I had to get up real early [at least in terms of Sunday and my weekly rhythm, or lack of], but it turned out quite interesting. I went on my very first business trip to Rotterdam with a friend of mine to talk …

Netiquette and other digital stuff

Just got a chain mail from 2 [!] of my coworkers. They are from the Graphics department, less computer savvy than I may be, but is it so freaking difficult to tell a normal story from a hoax? There are lots of pages that debunk them. Even antivirus software writers have …

AIBO; electronics made cute

I've never thought I would one day think about a hunk of plastic as "cute". But today at work we had some distraction from our normal business by means of an AIBO. A real one, from Sony. It was fun interacting with the little robot, which is quite sophisticated; it …

Zen and the art of slacking off

Reading Mac Hall today I came along this piece, which could be starring myself. I surely hope I won't do it this week, because I've some serious midterms next week [and have some other things to do too...]. Now I'm off finishing that planning I've been wanting to make all …

The art of web developing

Well, there it is: dammIT's new look. Not only has the layout been overhauled, there's been some technical changes too. Just take a look at the blogmarks page for example [sorted by month etc], or the distracted by piece of the right bar. And of course there are the usual …


That was fun! I needed that :) If you haven't seen The Incredibles yet, go for it. I love how they are like an ordinary family. They quarrel about anything you would do too ;) Pixar made another great movie with their great love for detail, winking to the current superhero-hype and …

RSS fun

Hm, maybe it helps posting from the live weblog; my previous two postings wouldn't have shown up if I hadn't figured I should regenerate the feed files on the live version [sounding technical? It is :P ]. Ah well.


I'm going to The Incredibles tonight. I figure it will be fun, because it's another Pixar movie [almost garantee for success] and I've heard lots of good stories about it. I'll see :) dammIT update is coming along nicely. Need to implement some minor blogmarks related thingees yet, and then I'll …

It's that time of the year again

And again am I sitting here, hacking at some web projects, not studying for upcoming exams. dammIT will undergo a fairly mayor facelift in the near future [when it's done and IE plays nice :P ]. DJ Luna doing hardstyle on my headphones, for a change. If I want I can …

Updated url's

Just a short blurp to let you know I've finally come around to implement Apache rewrite rules for the aquariusoft.org site. That means no more ugly urls with stupid parameters, but nice ones like http://aquariusoft.org/page/linux/aquamorph/ for the aquamorph site. Please update your bookmarks accordingly …


Pong. Speaking about which, does anybody know a Pong game for GNU/Linux? I haven't looked for it, to be frank, but it just came up in my mind. I don't know why either. Anyhoo, life hasn't been interesting. Just the usual classes, working, adding blogmarks to the navigation of …