
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten


Procrastination, perfectionism and humble me

I'm a perfectionist, that's one thing that's sure. I love to create things, and I go to great lengths to do it right. That's one reason many of my projects aren't finished yet. I just haven't declared them good enough to call them that way. But on the other hand …

Yay, Firefox 1.0 final unleashed!

OK, going along with the hype, I want to make sure nobody misses this release :) Get Firefox now!. It's final, it's cool and it's not yet translated neatly into Dutch. But it's coming along [dutchies, you don't really want words like "webstek" in a program do you? Come on...]. Also …

I've lost faith in the world

Alex describes exactly how I felt yesterday [and still feel now]. I couldn't have said it better. Problem with "America voted for another 4 years, then they deserve him for another 4 years" is that we have to suffer it for another 4 years too... As to speak with the …

Controversial media person dies - RIP Theo van Gogh

Theo van Gogh is dead [dutch link]. He was quite controversial with his bold positions, but I liked the way he put things in a different daylight. He was stabbed to dead today by a [for now] unknown person. Another interesting person dies... edited at 2004-11-02 15:15 GeenStijl: Na …

Those American Elections

Let me put first that I don't really care who is going to win the elections tomorrow in the US of A, as long as it isn't Bush. I was watching this neat map now and then, just for the fun of it [although the amount of red is a …

I'm Amiga

OK, hadn't done that one yet, but I appear to be quite likeminded with the rest of Planet Morphix: Which OS are You? Is it just me and the litre of beer I just consumed in the University pub or are those questions hilarious?

Im .ogg

As seen at Vermyndax's Lair: Which File Extension are You? That's me. Now you take the time to find out what file extension you are.

And behold: a forum

I actually did something today besides crawling too many news sites and web logs: I helped someone with Computer Networks assignment [again], and set up a forum. Yeah people, that's right: aquariusoft.org has a forum! Now you can dump you annoyances about aquamorph, GNU/Linux and windows in one …

Clean url's

I'm starting to sound as a fulltime web developer/designer right now, but while I was playing with Apache's mod_rewrite to get cleaner url's, I came along Why link to index.php?, which - besides being a nicely designed blue weblog - has some points in favor of this. I'm planning …

And an exam again

There we go again; another midterm. I hope I don't feel like her this time. At least Distributed Systems is a cool subject. Not very trivial however. Ok, now stop configuring this pc and go studying stupid.

More weblog enhancements

And it keeps on coming. Fixed some IE stupidities [archive was b0rked, navigation buttons wheren't shown properly]; when does that browser learn CSS? Added admin functionality: delete comment [moderating is fun ;) ], edit posting. Fixed some minor bugs when I was at it too.

Dead tree newspapers - the Kut Krant

Alex has made a good point in his Silly dead-tree media corp posting; lots of dead trees are spent at that incredibly low-level newspaper, the Kut Krant. I dunno, but I always have reservations against people reading that paper seriously, it's just so full of crap [exaggerating almost everything and …

Another update: email notifications

Just hacked^Wimplemented e-mail notifications into the comment functionality. Check the box to receive an update when someone else comments too. Please provide a valid e-mail address ;) Now I'm really off to my appointment :D

Fresh fresh

I don't know why I repeat the word "Fresh" in the title, but I revamped the looks of this weblog. With a white background for the main body and better navigation [try Alt+] it sure looks refreshed. In my opinion. Well, please give feedback for the likes and non-likes …

Updating my weblog

I mentioned earlier that I was thinking about merging the software of this weblog into aqute, but I'm currently updating and extending it seperately. I don't have that much time currently and probably won't have it in the upcoming months either, so I'll just implement some features I want badly …

Websites and the art of maintenance

Websites are nice. They are interesting as they are an expression of your creativity, thoughts and/or skills. They contain loads of useful or useless information or only contain some pictures you took a while ago with your shiny new digicam. But maintaining them, keeping them up-to-date with new information …

Net addict

I find myself checking my e-mail after been to two parties while having made a kind of bet with a friend of mine to not use a pc for the weekend. Hmm, am I that addicted? I only wanted to send an e-mail and check up a small digicam I …


I've discovered Skype. I had it installed some time now, but never used it until a friend of mine told me he always holds group chats on it. Well, installed the latest version and made fun until 3AM. Quite cool to have a headset on your head, make jokes and …

Work work

Well, surely been busy this week. University eating my time as always, been offline [almost] the entire weekend [spending those days with my girlfriend made up for it bigtime ;) ], looking for a new chair and a chest for clothes. Eating pancakes on a restaurant ship, drinking way too much beer …