
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten


Pong. Speaking about which, does anybody know a Pong game for GNU/Linux? I haven’t looked for it, to be frank, but it just came up in my mind. I don’t know why either.

Anyhoo, life hasn’t been interesting. Just the usual classes, working, adding blogmarks to the navigation of this weblog [why didn’t the text flow nicely at the left side of the white box I wanted to put on the right side of the home page? The navigation already is way too cluttered for my taste…], and writing a bit. Should I even mention I’m writing? It could be dangerous in that people actually will want to read my work. And I’ve just begun. Ideas for it have been floating in my mind for some time now, and I actually started several times, but now I’ve written more then just some paragraphs. But it’s far from finished and I don’t even know where it’s headed exactly. But I think it will be quite cool and being a genre mixup quite interesting. You’re still with me?

Good, because I would like to point you to the aquamorph v0.3 thoughts/suggestions/remarks thread. I know, I actually should generate a new mainmod and iso [based on a 0.5 base from Morphix? Would be a good way of testing them], but I just haven’t taken the time to get it generated right with mmaker or ibuilder. Besides, I will have to package my modifications too. Or maybe that’s a good item to put in a minimod. Hmm, more thoughts :)

PS: don’t make a “reload” mouse gesture when you’re about to finish your rant, it’s frustrating.