
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten

Michiel Scholten Articles

A very good 2010!

2009 was a weird year; on the one hand it was quite bland, on the other we did some real cool things, like going on a mind-blowing trip through southern Africa, jumping on the wedding train (the actual fact will take place this new year) and buying a house, amongst …

dammIT 6 years young, learns how to write

My weblog is now old enough to start learning how to write itself! Back in 2003 I started a weblog because I was curious to the phenomenon, how it would work out for myself (writing in English, dumping my thoughts online) and just to vent my frustrations with the day-to-day …

Mail WTF

We got this parcel from our contractor by registered mail, which only I could fetch from the mail agency (as I needed to identify myself). Turns out they blew 8.15 EUR on shipping two chocolate characters. Well, thanks... Turns out they didn't even have their administration straight, as they …

Yay, photos, yay!

The blogmark updates are a clue about me not being dead, but this weblog has been awefully quiet lately. I have been rather busy and have been microblogging my blurps at my twitterfeed, but that isn't a good excuse to neglect dammIT so badly. Minor part of the quietness of …

You know you've been neglecting your weblog

... when you think you have forgotten to announce you are getting married, then find out you actually already did. I really should be here more :) In other news: those getting-married-parties are damn expensive. Not going to get that spiffy new car for a long while I guess...

List of Android applications

So after a few weeks of loving my HTC Hero Android phone, I decided to list the applications I had installed or thought that where just plain handy or nice to have. The result is this list of cool and handy Android applications. Yes, most I still have installed and …

Studying, hotness

And of course it's warm exactly on the days I need to study for one of the very last exams of my study. And that for that probability-and-statistics course. Does not help, you know, Evil Daystar God? (Craving.. for.. cold.. beer..)

Closing old chapters

Lately I've been working hard on finishing the last parts of my study. Half an hour ago, I submitted the final version of my thesis, but I'm too tired to be proud just yet. I guess that will come tomorrow when I print it, bind it and bring it to …

The last mile

Currently I'm hard at work (well apart from writing this quick posting) to create a presentation of my Master research project. This will also be the defense, so I'm making myself a tad nervous for it (yeah yeah, it's just talking in front of a bunch of people about a …


Today my lovely girl and I are together for eleven years. She seems to still love this big fool, so I keep grinning. It's going to be a foolish and crazy year :)


Feeling uninspired lately. Anyone knowing how to get into a nice buzz again? It would surely help to get things done again :) (I generally get psyched when discovering/using some interesting new technique, and I have some ideas for using multiple in a new project. However, I'd like to finish …

ZOMG, I have twitter

Now please don't follow me on my account there or I really have to spend time on it. Time I don't have. Time I rather spend doing something fun, or even posting on this weblog. So why did I sign up again?

Attention NoScript users

It seems the NoScript author sneakily added some whitelist rules to people's Adblock Plus list so ads on his website are not blocked. This might even have been OK by most people if only he had been frank and up-front about it. But he went further: he also *patched the …