
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten

Michiel Scholten Articles

Living in interesting times

Today this weblog, dammIT turned seven years old. Combined with it being nearly the end of 2010, you might say it's a good moment for some reflections of the past year. 2010 was a year which brought changes, brought endings, brought new beginnings. We managed to get married before I …

New job

So, exactly two weeks after my previous post about me running out of contract, I went applying for a job at the second company I was aiming at (in no particular order of wantedness). The meeting was quite pleasant and after surprising me with a question about SciFi after a …

Out of contract

My third temporary contract will run out at the end of December, and because this company is currently in the middle of a reorganisation, they don't take on people on a contract for undetermined time. That means I'm in the running for a new job currently! It's really too bad …

Reading time

Now I'm done with my studies, I have some more time when I'm not distracted by the Internet. This time I spent mostly catching up with some great TV series, movies and of course my beloved books. I thought I'd mention some books I read in the last year (so …

A new domain

You might have noticed that this weblog has moved. It's still exactly the same rantbox as it has always been - hopefully with more regular updates than it has seen for quite a while - but now you can find it on its own domain: dammit.nl. Links to the old aquariusoft …

dammIT, MSc

It started last Monday morning when I read this mail from the guys supervising the practical course I had saved for last: Hi Michiel, Congrats, your solution just passed our tests without any problems, so you passed the practical! Not long thereafter, an email was received stating my grade had …

Dotting the i's

I just submitted the software and documentation of my second-to-last practical, leaving me alone with my very last course to finish. I will dive into it tomorrow and hopefully will have tackled all issues before Friday. That should give me some time to document everything and submit. And then I'LL …

Wedding pictures and a website of our own

Quick update to point you all to Ineke & Michiel's website where the first wedding pictures have started appearing. More will follow. Also, it's no longer a site with our wedding invitation (it is archived, however), but also intended to host more info, pictures and other loose ends about us.

We are married!

We interrupt this broadcast for a public service announcement. Friday the 2nd of July 2010 at 13:00h CET, Michiel Scholten and Ineke Post got married at Castle Assumburg and became mr and mrs Scholten. Lots of pictures were taken, lots of fun was had. Pictures will follow. Thank you …

Google Account as OpenID

If you want to log in using your Google account as OpenID (as Google is a provider), make sure you are logged in with that account and then use this url as ID on the site you're visiting: https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id [source]

Windows-only bios updaters and me

So I have this nice shiny light laptop (the Samsung X360). It came with Microsoft Vista pre-installed, but I never even booted it; I wiped it and installed Ubuntu on it immediately. It's working quite fine, except for some minor issues with its screen's backlight being a bit quirky (it …

Experts Exchange

Stack Overflow is a lot nicer as a source for good technical advice, but Experts Exchange still has quite some answers too; might come in handy for a second opinion/solution on which you can base your own. expert-sexchange is much less annoying with this bit of CSS added to …

How to change the looks of Ubuntu 10.04's GDM

Ubuntu's GDM still does not have a settings window where you can change looks to your liking. However, there are some tricks to still be able to do just that. First, open a terminal and type the following command: sudo cp /usr/share/applications/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop /usr/share/gdm/autostart …

Home update

As we bought a house last year, we're actively following its process of being built. Photograph-loving people as we are, we document the timeline graphically. The side not facing the street, aka the garden side :)

Fixed my weblog

Soooo, it appears there was some small programming error which broke sessions in my self-written weblog software. This kinda blocked me from posting here. Combined with a rather busy life and me twittering small blurps instead of writing larger posts this led to dammIT be really neglected. I plan on …

Back to school

So tomorrow I'll be off to my university again to follow a course. Interesting sensation. Nice to go to Amsterdam again though :) *puts laptop in bag*

Main website restyled

So to unwind from wrapping up stuff for university, I put some time into restyling my main website, aquariusoft.org. It's a lot cleaner, has less links leading everywhere and is easier on the eye. I'll post some before/after pics tomorrow.

18 years old +10

So, 28. That's 9 years of pretending to be 18 and 10 years away from really being it. Oh well, at least I'm not 30 yet. Yet. Thanks for another year. This one will be awesome.

The little things

On my way back from work it started to snow tiny flakes. When I stopped at a traffic light, they turned out to be beautiful snow crystals, 3 to 4mm across. Made me smile.