
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten

Melting down into 2011

The snow now is rapidly melting and turning into fog, which suits me just fine. We had a white christmas (and a whole lot of other white days), and the ice on the roads kinda took the magic from it.

This wonderful 2010 is now almost over; a year in which a lot was done and accomplished. I'll start 2011 with a fresh new job, which I think will keep me stimulated for quite a while :) Really looking forward to meeting my new colleagues and jumping right into the projects that are already speeding along (hope I won't stumble when landing running ^_^ ).

Anyways, I don't have resolutions for 2011 (apart from trying to get the highest ones on my devices), but I'll try to post here more regularly. A post every week with some updates on interesting things I've done, seen and encountered online might be a good start.

So, have a happy last day of 2010 and see you in the new year!