
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten


overload feedreader

OK, I've put a first snapshot of my overload RSS feedreader online. To log in, use the combo demo/demo, with which you should be able to browse around a bit. Don't do anything fancy now, because it's not quite stabilized. Lots of things don't work yet [like find and …

Relaxed, sleep deprived and -- Firefly!

The weekend was fun; lots of relaxing, but not that much sleep [too much fun until too late in the evenings :)]. They had a seriously nice swimming pool complex in the park, so we spent half a day there. The rest was consumed with doing other fun stuff, gaming [the …

Functional programming and weekend fun

How come I find myself sitting behind a SunRay ultrathin client on the University when it's such a nice day outside? Partly because I'm way busy this week and wanted to do the theoretical computer science assignments today and partly because of a misunderstanding from my part of the schedule …

Tine 2005 -- part deux

So I spent my day at the RAI walking along the booths of The ICT Network Event, TINE, along with Wouter, a friend of mine. We got stuffed with loads of goodies and gimmicks [see the gallery for pics of all of it] and had too many chats with marketingpeople …

TINE 2005

I went to TINE 2005 today. This is an event for ICT professionals, where you can ogle at huge server racks, backup systems, nice Apple hardware, boothbabes and lots of goodies. It was quite fun, chatted a bit with all those buzz-fuzz dudes and saw a few nice things. An …

Building a web GUI - using images for buttons?

I'm building a feedreader -- as you may have noticed -- and am considering using some graphical buttons instead of text links. I'm rather fond of text links, as they are light, clean etc etc, but a good icon can be way more explaining while taking less screen estate. Anyone having thoughts …

Mission accomplished

A project I've been doing on and off for the last few months is finally nearing completion as I just uploaded a neatly working version of it. Only some very minor things need fixing and I can finally look forward to doing my next big project -- my bachelor project -- besides …


You'd almost think I've got the wrong hobbies, because today I hate computers. Or at least I hate failing hardware. I guess everybody hates it, but today it's my turn. I've been spending the better part of the afternoon trying to backup data. Two DVD's succeeded. That's by far not …

KLM plane send back because US wouldn't let it pass

U.S. authorities refused to allow a KLM Royal Dutch Airlines 747 to fly over the United States yesterday, as you can read on this CNN page [or find more about it at Google's News]. The aircraft was on it's way to Mexico. Now what's up with that? There where …

And lightning strikes

OK, this must be one of these weeks that things get a life of their own. First, my April Fool's posting was taken more seriously then intended, the more because of my follow-up and the core of truth in the message. I then continued with a little braindump about my …

Where's that good ol' analog time?

I started writing this as comment on Vermyndax, but I figured it would be better to post here. Vermyndax: I'd personally like to hear about your trials/tribulations that let you to attempt giving up electronics... Meh, it's more that I find myself overusing electronics. When I wake up, I …

... and life continued

Well, there I am again. And no, quitting all things electronical seems not to be an option for me. A life without gadgets just ain't complete for me I guess. So the obligatory rhythm of university work, normal work, project work [quite a fruitful business lunch last Friday the 1st …

I quit

I'm quitting. I'm leaving my computer related job, I stop studying Computer Science at the Vrije Universiteit as I'm through with it, I stop working on my darned web projects. Most likely I'll say goodbye to the Morphix' community. I'll power down my pc's and go doing something else. Seriously …

Easter fun

Sitting here with my laptop on my lap on the couch, digesting the food I enjoyed myself with this Easter I cannot help but feeling myself a bit uneasy. [Heh, "Easy like Sunday morning" on the radio right now]. I'm studying for three exams I have to do tomorrow and …

The Simple Geek

OK, time for a new quiz: The True Geek Test. Result? The Simple Geek You answered 74% of the questions as a geek truly would. You don't seem to sway in either direction, however you still seem to have some latent geek attributes within you. Maybe you're interested in computers …

Spring madness

Ahh, it's that time of the year again. Spring. Birds whistling, sun shining, beer flowing, rain pouring now and then, nature acting odd, and people even weirder. It's the time of "the big spring cleaning", and people start off cleaning up [I really, badly need to clean up my server's …

Another quiz: I'm obsolete

You are 'French'. In the nineteenth century, it was the international language of diplomacy. It is a 'beautiful' language, meaning that it is really just a low-fidelity copy of Latin. You know the importance of communicating 'diplomatically', which for you means both being polite and friendly when necessary and using …

The Universe, Life and Me

Life is just being life, with it's endless stream of classes, days of work and projects to work on. Family to visit, parties to celebrate [housewarming party was great!] and nights to sleep^W hack on my websites and other things. So, I've not been posting that much, but life …

d10 geek

[ Take the quiz at dicepool.com ] Ah, the d10! While you aren't actually a true regular polyhedron, you are the only die that makes logical sense--metrically speaking. Chances are, others see you as over-analytical or a goody-goody. While that may be true, you also have a gift for patience and …

Coding in style && various bites

Thanks to Jure I'm currently listening to SomeFM's Secret Agent soundtrack while programming for a project. I really like their taste and the James Bond quotes they throw in for good measure. Talking about style: I got a real appetite for these little chocolate planets. Aren't they - well - tasty …