
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten


It's alive and it has XMLHttpRequest :)

I've been working on the overload RSS reader a bit the last few days, and put a brandnew snapshot online. It's a great deal faster [calculating of the number of unread items was a tad slow, taking 6 seconds for my 69 feeds and 17000 items total and 5000 unread …

Microsoft gets hacked

Well, their Korean website at least was hacked, after which all login/password info was logged. If you thought that Microsoft needed a lesson in the difficulty they face getting everyone to patch their operating systems every time a new security hole is announced, they may have just received one …

Backing up stuff

Chatting on #morphix with the good ol' Morphix crew, we came along the subject of backing up your cruft [ahum]. Anyway, as I'm lazy and have been running scripts to do so for quite some time already, I thought it nice to share those with the world. I've put two …

Why The Netherlands said 'No'

I had a list of reasons, but alextreme yesterday beat me to it. I'm far from against a united Europe, but I'm not happy with the way things are going now [kinda forced, having a constitution proposed that really isn't one]. Oh, and I'm not against our currency, the Euro …

I need some mental stimulation

My head is acting weird. I have some projects laying around, but I just can't concentrate enough on them. Now and then I come in the Zone and finish a piece, but mostly not. Can't concentrate that hard on studying. I need something to stimulate my mind... Maybe I should …

Time Sinks

The Biggest Time Sink Thread Ever describes some of my days. Too true... Ooh, BTW, did you read this article of someone that is _not_ quite satisfied with his mac laptop? Refreshing to read another perspective. I myself stick with my i686 GNU/Linux laptop...

Spam WTF

I just checked a log file from my mail server and noticed quite a bunch of deliveries. Turned out one address on my domain was being spammed with over 13 thousand identical spam messages. In a couple of hours. Resulting in: -rw-rw---- 1 [username] mail 108385920 May 29 13:18 …


Did some studying today for an exam I have in about a day now. It's quite boring, but I need to focus as I want to get it's freaking grade... Anyhow, I've been hacking a bit at overload too. I've updated the overload project page with a roadmap [heheh, feeling …

Drs. GF

We are just back from Utrecht where my girlfriend got her 'doctoraal diploma' -- say her Master. So that's Drs. GF for me now :)

New overload snapshot online

OK, I just updated the live version of overload. It now has a better support for UTF8, new artwork [shamelessly ripped from the default Gnome iconset], the option to add feeds [only works in the html version yet], search and read saved items [only in XUL rich client yet]. Some …

Visiting my first niece and updating overload

It was a family day today: first we went visiting my gf's brother and his girlfriend, the fresh parents of Anne. I made some pictures, but I won't tire you with to much footage of this sweet child [sweet as in: "she made no noice as she was sleeping all …

I'm an uncle

Now that's weird. Now I'm an uncle. Or better: my girlfriend has become an aunt. Yesterday at about 11PM Jeske - the girlfriend of my gf's brother Johan - gave birth to a beautiful [I guess ;)] and healthy daughter, Anne. Congratulations to you and your firstborn! Life won't be the same now …

Star Wars III - nice :)

So I went to the cinema with the GF and enjoyed "Revenge of the Sith". Yeah, I actuall enjoyed the movie. I've seen the new three Star Wars movies [again] in the last 2 weeks and they went from quite bad [movie 1; the acting was quite horrible sometimes] to …

aquamorph development

I read g1powermac's posting about Clusterix, and was of course reminded about my own livecd, aquamorph. The project has stalled a bit over the last months, and I want to update it using mmaker [or maybe the nice ibuild, but I like mmaker a bit better because of it's simple …

overload's rich client

As I said in my previous post, I have been working on project overload today. There's a new version online. Be sure to check the Rich client [see topnav], as that's where the work of today has gone into. Suggestions and bugs can be posted here, or in the bugtracker …

More XUL fun

OK, while doing some work at work [*cough*] I've revamped the XUL Rich client version of overload. It's not in the live version yet, but it will be very soon. Check some screenshots of the evolution of the overload feedreader. I need to give the xhtml frontend some love again …

Serious Holy Shite

Microsoft Reveals Xbox 360 Specs. I had seen those already on Engadget, but couldn't believe the triple core PowerPC processors at 3.2GHz. That's more than in the top-of-the-line Apple Powermacs! And that for a measly 300 dollars. If this is hackable, please fix me a Debian install on one …


I've been playing with XUL yesterday, and have come up with a rich client for overload feedreader, which you can check in the new snapshot I've put online [log in and choose "Rich client" in the top navigation]. In this snapshot you can now subscribe for a new user also …

Developing an information based system

I've been busy lately; the obligatory working days, doing some examinations [late in the evening... what's the use of that?], visiting family and working on my overload project. I've been working off and on that application since the 17th of March, and it's getting a bit mature, at least for …

What's up with SUVs?

Just a random blurp: I kinda like those SUVs; they are spacy, powerful and sort of cool. However, there's no real use of them, safe for some people who like/have to be driving off-road and want a roomy car at that. However, here in The Netherlands, only a …