
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten


Everyone else has had more sex than me

A thing that has amused me since last week is this great animation and song [Flash alert, but worth the loading]. There's also a page with the Flash version and the songtext and one with two versions [original and radio edit] as Quicktime .mov. The radio edit is worth watching …

Feeds, channels, labels, tags...

OK, so I fixed some cross-browser issues of overload feedreader, put a new version of it online and was wondering about naming of several things now. As it's a feedreader, it reads RSS, Atom feeds. Those are not only used for weblogs, so I skipped mentioning "Blogs" altogether, unlike several …

X.org and eyecandy

I forgot to mention I installed the nice graphical environment x.org on my desktop, as it enables me to have neat [mac OS-X-like] shadows and transparency. Too bad I had to use an old version of my window manager [old beta of xfwm4], because I couldn't get my recompiled …

No one would have believed...

Did I mention we went to War of the Worlds last Monday? I don't think it was exactly a "wow, cool!" experience, but the movie at least is quite intense and enjoyable. Too bad the very cool soundtrack of the play that was released on vinyl some decades ago wasn't …

A little tale of just enjoying life

Here it is, finally. I wanted to post it together with a shitload of nice pictures we took, but decided in the end to just post it :) It reminds me a bit of the 'A quite verbose story about a week offline' post of a year ago, and is mainly …

Headphones and server b0rkage

OK, so my server was down from about 11PM yesterday to 15PM today [GMT+1 and DST], which was caused by general hardware b0rkage. I don't know why, but the two newest drives in it go berserk now and then. Maybe a leftover from the broken motherboard that used to …

This week of my vacation

OK, so this is my so-called vacation. Lets see... Tomorrow I'll work, in the evening I'll [hopefully] enjoy The War of the Worlds, on Tuesday I'm getting my hair done [badly needed ;)], am I going to do some administrational stuff and then we're going to visit my GFs grandparents. Wednesday …

Time to focus

OK, hereby I declare the coming months my Time To Focus Time(tm). I need to get back to being efficient, cleaning up my todo list [growing bigger and bigger], and make myself useful/valuable again. I'm aware I still haven't posted my story of the last vacation, which is …

Back from vacation

It was a short one, and generally a bit too wet one [way does it always rain on me?], but altogether quite relaxing. Catching up on me e-mail and newsfeeds now. Didn't have an internet connection somehow, so I plugged the ADSL modem right in my laptop and now it …

Been quiet, will be for another week

I've been rather quiet for some time now, due to the warm weather, a lack of interest [my feedreader is becoming rather full of unread items] and a need of a break. That break is coming now: we're leaving on vacation in another hour. Just me, my beautiful GF and …

Belgium != The Netherlands

OK folks, check this Google maps page. Look close. Look closer. Now laugh hysterically or cry. Fortunately this bug can be fixed by zooming in. Zooming out will make us only less important...

Some small updates to overload feedreader

Yeah, there it is again. My current major webproject ;) Anyway, I have modified the stylesheet for the html version quite a bit, so items should be better distinguishable, especially when having more than a few on page [which you'll mostly have I guess]. I'm about to do some major updates …

LILO borkage

OK, I managed to modify my kernel configuration without updating LILO [by forgetting to do a simple 'lilo' at the root prompt]. Result? An unbootable GNU/Linux installation. Go me. Thank Light I have always a copy of the aquamorph livecd laying around, so I went trying to update the …

Download your overload now :)

It's not yet done [when is a software project done anyways?], not even in 0.1 state as can be seen on the roadmap, but here it is, a tarball with the snapshot of today, and a dump of the database tables needed for it. My previous posting has a …

overload: introducing related items and some fixes

OK, just put a new snapshot of this interesting project online. You may wonder why I call my own project "interesting", but it has earned this title because of the latest addition to it: related items. I've introduced a simple algorithm that looks for other items that have links in …

Doing the SciFi/Fantasy meme

So it turns out I'm Wesley Crusher: A brilliant learner with a knack for almost everything, you choose to spend your efforts in the pursuit of travels that extend your own potential. Maybe I am sick of following rules and regulations! Wesley is a character in the Star Trek universe …