
A rantbox


Some small updates to overload feedreader

Yeah, there it is again. My current major webproject ;) Anyway, I have modified the stylesheet for the html version quite a bit, so items should be better distinguishable, especially when having more than a few on page [which you'll mostly have I guess]. I'm about to do some major updates …

LILO borkage

OK, I managed to modify my kernel configuration without updating LILO [by forgetting to do a simple 'lilo' at the root prompt]. Result? An unbootable GNU/Linux installation. Go me. Thank Light I have always a copy of the aquamorph livecd laying around, so I went trying to update the …

Download your overload now :)

It's not yet done [when is a software project done anyways?], not even in 0.1 state as can be seen on the roadmap, but here it is, a tarball with the snapshot of today, and a dump of the database tables needed for it. My previous posting has a …

overload: introducing related items and some fixes

OK, just put a new snapshot of this interesting project online. You may wonder why I call my own project "interesting", but it has earned this title because of the latest addition to it: related items. I've introduced a simple algorithm that looks for other items that have links in …

Doing the SciFi/Fantasy meme

So it turns out I'm Wesley Crusher: A brilliant learner with a knack for almost everything, you choose to spend your efforts in the pursuit of travels that extend your own potential. Maybe I am sick of following rules and regulations! Wesley is a character in the Star Trek universe …

It's alive and it has XMLHttpRequest :)

I've been working on the overload RSS reader a bit the last few days, and put a brandnew snapshot online. It's a great deal faster [calculating of the number of unread items was a tad slow, taking 6 seconds for my 69 feeds and 17000 items total and 5000 unread …

Microsoft gets hacked

Well, their Korean website at least was hacked, after which all login/password info was logged. If you thought that Microsoft needed a lesson in the difficulty they face getting everyone to patch their operating systems every time a new security hole is announced, they may have just received one …

Backing up stuff

Chatting on #morphix with the good ol' Morphix crew, we came along the subject of backing up your cruft [ahum]. Anyway, as I'm lazy and have been running scripts to do so for quite some time already, I thought it nice to share those with the world. I've put two …

Why The Netherlands said 'No'

I had a list of reasons, but alextreme yesterday beat me to it. I'm far from against a united Europe, but I'm not happy with the way things are going now [kinda forced, having a constitution proposed that really isn't one]. Oh, and I'm not against our currency, the Euro …

I need some mental stimulation

My head is acting weird. I have some projects laying around, but I just can't concentrate enough on them. Now and then I come in the Zone and finish a piece, but mostly not. Can't concentrate that hard on studying. I need something to stimulate my mind... Maybe I should …

Time Sinks

The Biggest Time Sink Thread Ever describes some of my days. Too true... Ooh, BTW, did you read this article of someone that is _not_ quite satisfied with his mac laptop? Refreshing to read another perspective. I myself stick with my i686 GNU/Linux laptop...

Spam WTF

I just checked a log file from my mail server and noticed quite a bunch of deliveries. Turned out one address on my domain was being spammed with over 13 thousand identical spam messages. In a couple of hours. Resulting in: -rw-rw---- 1 [username] mail 108385920 May 29 13:18 …


Did some studying today for an exam I have in about a day now. It's quite boring, but I need to focus as I want to get it's freaking grade... Anyhow, I've been hacking a bit at overload too. I've updated the overload project page with a roadmap [heheh, feeling …

Drs. GF

We are just back from Utrecht where my girlfriend got her 'doctoraal diploma' -- say her Master. So that's Drs. GF for me now :)

New overload snapshot online

OK, I just updated the live version of overload. It now has a better support for UTF8, new artwork [shamelessly ripped from the default Gnome iconset], the option to add feeds [only works in the html version yet], search and read saved items [only in XUL rich client yet]. Some …

Visiting my first niece and updating overload

It was a family day today: first we went visiting my gf's brother and his girlfriend, the fresh parents of Anne. I made some pictures, but I won't tire you with to much footage of this sweet child [sweet as in: "she made no noice as she was sleeping all …

I'm an uncle

Now that's weird. Now I'm an uncle. Or better: my girlfriend has become an aunt. Yesterday at about 11PM Jeske - the girlfriend of my gf's brother Johan - gave birth to a beautiful [I guess ;)] and healthy daughter, Anne. Congratulations to you and your firstborn! Life won't be the same now …

Star Wars III - nice :)

So I went to the cinema with the GF and enjoyed "Revenge of the Sith". Yeah, I actuall enjoyed the movie. I've seen the new three Star Wars movies [again] in the last 2 weeks and they went from quite bad [movie 1; the acting was quite horrible sometimes] to …

aquamorph development

I read g1powermac's posting about Clusterix, and was of course reminded about my own livecd, aquamorph. The project has stalled a bit over the last months, and I want to update it using mmaker [or maybe the nice ibuild, but I like mmaker a bit better because of it's simple …