
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten



I wonder what this evil day will bring :) /me continues studying for an exam this evening, starting 24 minutes after 6:66PM


Every once in a while I crawl back out of my little cave and post here. The current occassion is a slew of exams I'm chewing through. As it's already almost halfway this not-so-new-and-shiny-anymore 2006, I'm having my end-term exams; all five of them. And having great joy studying and …

It's that time of the year again

Exam time! Four of them in under two weeks. In the meanwhile a homework assignment, some classes with at the end of the month June a fifth exam. Keeps you out of the pub ;) And, of course, it's time to play around a bit with things you intended to do …

Towel day

Today is Towel Day, for Douglas Adams. So, break out your towels and ponder a bit about Life, The Universe, and Everything in general. [Hint, the answer may very well be 42].

Gizmo instead of Skype

After reinstalling my laptop from scratch with a Debian netinstall cd [the old harddrive died on me :(], I installed the Gizmo VOIP client. I think it's better than Skype; it uses the ALSA sound system, native GTK2 [so it actually looks good], and is based on the open standard SIP …


Geek's day out Sunglasses? check Cellphone? check PDA? check Wireless foldable keyboard? check Wallet? check ... University? check Sunny place with a view? check Beer? check Friends to talk with? check Ladies in summer clothes? check Computer lab course in about -6 minutes? oops, check

Xfce 4.4 beta 1

When we're talking geek, I could as well talk about the desktop environment I'm using. I've been using Xfce since their 4.0 version was in early alpha state, and recently beta one of their version 4.4 was released. Now, Xfce 4.4beta1 is being uploaded to Debian sid …

01:02:03 04-05-06 - Care to join a geek club?

Only a few moments left till that geeky moment in our little space/time bubble. Provides me some time to ponder about some things. Like setting up a Linux User Group of my own -- well, our own. But I don't want to make it a LUG, I prefer to create …

24yr 13wk

Today in #xfce at irc.freenode.net I came across a fairly good description of the upcoming windows version, Vista, which looks like it is postponed yet another quarter of a year: longhorn: A big joke from MS, now officially called under it's brand name "Windows Vista", it features WinFS …

Oldschool programming, hacking and planning

I'm currently sitting in my university's Linux lab writing some oldschool C CGI thingee for hooking up a server serving papers to a website using SunRPC so you can list the files, upload and download them. Quite fun, I must say. I also finally finished the freelance project I've been …

Rumours about my dead are greatly exaggerated

As you can see, I've been fiddling around with the code for dammIT, this weblog. That's been the last few days. Before that, I've been rather busy fiddling around with about anything but personal projects. Mostly stuff for my university -- which is a good thing, as it means my study …

Comments reenabled

OK, I reenabled the comments again. If a posting gets spammed, I can now simply close comments for that posting only. Still need to find a way to block spamming in general, but it's likely there's a human behind it, so that will get difficult. BTW, yeah, I'm still alive …

Miracles still exist

Yay. Just yay. Got an email a few moments ago from my universities administration, stating I have a 6 out of 10 for my Calculus exam, while I got the impression I had done quite badly when I reviewed it with some friends. Right freaking awesome, so to speak :D …

Comment spam

OK... I get quite a lot of comment spam on a single posting I did more than a month ago; until I figure out how to stop it [I want to implement "Comments closed for this posting", but I'm looking for a way of preventing it], comments are disabled :( If …

Having fun with cross-server image linking

I know lots of people don't have some webspace of their own. However, if they start posting on forums etc, they tend to want a nice picture with it. So they do a quick Google image search on it, paste the uri of the picture in their profile, and done …

Sick bed

(Hushed voices) 'Hi, I just heared from his condition. How is he?' 'He's sleeping now, but it's not good...' (Sad stares) 'Sounds like he's waking up,' 'Doesn't sound good at all, does it?' 'Indeed, occasionally the sounds he makes gives me the creeps. His functions slowly start to fail; I …