- Mon 31 January 2011
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#meta Articles
- Mon 31 January 2011
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- Michiel Scholten
Happy birthday to me ^_^
Today I released version 29 of, well, myself into the wild. You know you have been practising web 2.0 enough when most of the congratulations are streaming in from Twitter. Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts, whether you twitted, messaged, mailed or social-website’d me. Or for the few …
- Tue 21 December 2010
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- Michiel Scholten
Living in interesting times
Today this weblog, dammIT turned seven years old. Combined with it being nearly the end of 2010, you might say it’s a good moment for some reflections of the past year. 2010 was a year which brought changes, brought endings, brought new beginnings. We managed to get married before …
- Mon 13 September 2010
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- Michiel Scholten
A new domain
You might have noticed that this weblog has moved. It’s still exactly the same rantbox as it has always been - hopefully with more regular updates than it has seen for quite a while - but now you can find it on its own domain: dammit.nl. Links to the old …
- Thu 09 September 2010
- Work
- family
- Michiel Scholten
9-9-10, it’s 9-9-9-plus-one
Exactly a year ago (well, in a few hours, that is), I proposed to my sweet girl. She said ‘Yes’, and now here we are!
- Wed 01 September 2010
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- Michiel Scholten
dammIT, MSc
It started last Monday morning when I read this mail from the guys supervising the practical course I had saved for last: Hi Michiel, Congrats, your solution just passed our tests without any problems, so you passed the practical! Not long thereafter, an email was received stating my grade had …
- Sat 03 July 2010
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- Michiel Scholten
We are married!
We interrupt this broadcast for a public service announcement. Friday the 2nd of July 2010 at 13:00h CET, Michiel Scholten and Ineke Post got married at Castle Assumburg and became mr and mrs Scholten. Lots of pictures were taken, lots of fun was had. Pictures will follow. Thank you …
- Fri 23 April 2010
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- Michiel Scholten
Fixed my weblog
Soooo, it appears there was some small programming error which broke sessions in my self-written weblog software. This kinda blocked me from posting here. Combined with a rather busy life and me twittering small blurps instead of writing larger posts this led to dammIT be really neglected. I plan on …
- Sun 31 January 2010
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- Michiel Scholten
18 years old +10
So, 28. That’s 9 years of pretending to be 18 and 10 years away from really being it. Oh well, at least I’m not 30 yet. Yet. Thanks for another year. This one will be awesome.
- Fri 01 January 2010
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- Michiel Scholten
A very good 2010!
2009 was a weird year; on the one hand it was quite bland, on the other we did some real cool things, like going on a mind-blowing trip through southern Africa, jumping on the wedding train (the actual fact will take place this new year) and buying a house, amongst …
- Mon 21 December 2009
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- Michiel Scholten
dammIT 6 years young, learns how to write
My weblog is now old enough to start learning how to write itself! Back in 2003 I started a weblog because I was curious to the phenomenon, how it would work out for myself (writing in English, dumping my thoughts online) and just to vent my frustrations with the day-to-day …
- Sun 21 December 2008
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- Michiel Scholten
Happy birthday dammIT
Today is the day that I started dumping my thoughts online by means of a weblog five years ago, which means the first lustrum party of this kind of web presence of mine. Yes, there are two older posts, but they are both from before the actual first implementation of …
- Fri 21 December 2007
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- Michiel Scholten
Happy birthday dammIT
Four years already… So many things have changed in the intermittent time; so many things stayed the same
- Thu 21 December 2006
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- Michiel Scholten
Three years of rants: dammIT
Today is the third anniversary of this good ol’ rantbox of mine. Putting online my frustrations, thoughts, ideas and pieces of life still is fun, so expect more annoyances coming from my way to you in the future ;) BTW, if you visit this site, please do a refresh so you …
- Tue 21 December 2004
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- Michiel Scholten
Cheers @ dammIT and Xfce 4.2
Did you know… …dammIT—this weblog—has turned one year old today? Lots of things have changed in that year, a lot has stayed the same. Same shit, different day. …Xfce 4.2 [RC2 and companions] is cool? I’ve just installed it on my trusty old AMD Duron 750MHz …
- Tue 22 June 2004
- Vrije Universiteit
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- Michiel Scholten
Happy birthday dear dammIT :P
BTW, I just found out dammIT went 6 months old last Sunday :) It’s first real entry is written at 2003-12-20, while it came online at 2003-12-21. So whatever way you look at it, it’s officially half a year old now. A friend of mine, which happenes to have …
- Tue 09 March 2004
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- Michiel Scholten
Coffee is good, in contrary to my daily rhythm
Coffee considered a Good Thing(tm), especially espresso. But only 3-4 cups a day. Now that’s what I drink max, so that’s ok with me ;) But they say that I should avoid instant… Too bad. In other news: I got an air mail of the Domain Registry of …
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