
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten

#journal Articles

Hilary Hahn is such a gem

Last Friday my better half and me went to a concert. The Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra was playing a contemporary piece (Con Brio, surprisingly nice with musicians using their instruments as percussion and such), the Violin Concerto by Dvořák and the First Symphony of Brahms. The very reason we went there …
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Seventeen years of dammIT

Well, that experiment obviously didn't work out as planned. I'm not even going to pretend I posted something in between the Wintergatan link and this post1, but I am going to celebrate this little platform of mine. It has been serving me for seventeen years now, and my use …

December 2020 blog spree

Today I had a conversation with an internet friend of mine (on Riot^H^H^H^HElement), and they confessed hating to blog. To me, that was interesting, as apparently they felt a pressure to write, but would very much prefer not to. Which I think is totally sane …


It is no secret that I keep a journal (it might not be very well known too, but it is private anyway). It is not a fancy hard copy journal that some talented people fill with really neat doodles and such, but rather a boring collection of Markdown-formatted text files …
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