
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten

life Articles

Happy 18th birthday, dear diary

Today is a good day. We had some (well-spaced) fun at the office, our new TV arrived to allow us to spend some good times together oggling at inky blacks, and this sweet little website of mine turned eighteen, meaning it's now officially legal. Or doesn't it work that way …

Hello 2017

The year 2017 has barely begun, but somehow it is already looking up. At least in my personal bubble. Son is suddenly confident enough to try a lot of new words, with mixed success in pronunciation or even correctness, but he is leaping forward amazingly. I am really happy with …
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Goodbye 2016

2016 was... interesting. Globally, it was overshadowed by some almost-disastrous events, and a lot of great and/or famous people left us (I won't even speak about the political... issues the world is having). Personally, the year was challenging. Having a second kid eliminates all chances of getting some decent …

Happy 13th birthday, dear diary

Er, weblog. Lots happened this year, lots of good and some less good things. We enjoyed our little girl growing from baby to toddler. We less enjoyed the continuing broken nights. The world is a weird, scary, but also a wonderful place. Let's make 2017 great.

dammIT: 12 years of rants

Today it's 12 years ago I officially started this weblog and I finally have taken some steps to get the next generation of the codebase working on my server. It's getting there, looking forward to continue dammIT in its Django incarnation :) This year has been fascinating; junior went from barely …