
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten

posts Articles

Another quiz: I’m obsolete

You are ‘French’. In the nineteenth century, it was the international language of diplomacy. It is a ‘beautiful’ language, meaning that it is really just a low-fidelity copy of Latin. You know the importance of communicating ‘diplomatically’, which for you means both being polite and friendly when necessary and using …

The Universe, Life and Me

Life is just being life, with it’s endless stream of classes, days of work and projects to work on. Family to visit, parties to celebrate [housewarming party was great!] and nights to sleep^W hack on my websites and other things. So, I’ve not been posting that much …

d10 geek

[ Take the quiz at dicepool.com ] Ah, the d10! While you aren’t actually a true regular polyhedron, you are the only die that makes logical sense—metrically speaking. Chances are, others see you as over-analytical or a goody-goody. While that may be true, you also have a gift for …

Coding in style && various bites

Thanks to Jure I’m currently listening to SomeFM‘s Secret Agent soundtrack while programming for a project. I really like their taste and the James Bond quotes they throw in for good measure. Talking about style: I got a real appetite for these little chocolate planets. Aren’t they …

Back from boarding at Tignes

OK, you can tell I was quite exhausted when I rushed to get the previous posting online, writing frantically on my Sony Clié palmtop while dinner was being served. “Polse” ain’t an English word, and as you may have guessed I was just referring to wrist guards. They saved …

Pre-dinner blurp

Short ping from cool Tignes where the weather is great and the snow is though. Thank Light for polse guards :) My roomies fixed the wifi here, so I can put my pda to use :P


Yay, in a few hours I’ll leave The Netherlands by night bus and switch from something we call snow here [at about 0 degrees Celcius] for something that really is snow [at about -18 to -26 degrees Celcius] in Tignes, France. That’s in Val d’Isere, and seems …

Neat webbased applications

Anybody knows webmail applications, but there exist a whole lot of webbased applications that you can run on your own server/desktop-with-webserver. Of course a whole bunch of CMS‘s, Forums, weblogs etc, but I want to highlight some more exotic ones. First, I use Sitebar since July last year …

What did you [not] do on Valentine’s day?

Is it just me, or is this day one of the most commercial ones of the year? Love is for every day. I’m not sweeter to my gf than other days. You shouldn’t be either ;) Or is this not suitable for a geek weblog? edited at 2005-02-14 19 …

Meh, I’m dead

I’m really tired now [over 25 hours awake] and the site should be up, be it that the disk drive of the server has reached it’s storage limits. You read it right: the darn disk is _full_, and that gives problems with a J2EE server. *sigh* Ok, I …

Cold and still busy

Well, a night trying to get some weird J2EE project running is an odd experience. At first, it seemed to go well, and now the users can’t log in anymore. Dammit. And why is it so freaking cold here? Hrm, maybe because the heating is off at night…

Music as alternative for caffeine

While I’m working a bit more [define “bit”] at The Project, I’m listening to “Digitally Important: European Trance, Dance & Techno” to stay awake. Music serves me very well, maybe even better than caffeine, as the uptempo rhythm gets me in a kind of flow that caffeine can’t …

Terrorism and our loss of freedom

I just read The Netherlands is going mad… by alextreme, where he talks about our great minister Donner pushing some really restricting and fairly stupid acts through the parliament. It’s all about having control over internet publications, mandatory identification and other emergency control acts. I don’t know, but …

Lesson learned: don’t fuck up your .forward file

OK, I’m feeling really stupid. I managed to change my exim .forward file [which filters my e-mail neatly into a lot of mail folders] in such a way that it doesn’t deliver e-mail _at all_. Ouch. Such a stupid typo. Well, two of them. I hope these messages …

Good morning

Or at least I hope it’s going to be. Finishing off some loose ends of a project I’m doing, which is going to be tested later this day. Oh rejoice :) It’s quite stressfull tho’, and my hands and shoulders hurt. Bleh. I’m really enjoying watching the …

Still busy and new date for the party

First post from our new home, the apartment I moved in recently. Still busy with the project [damn J2EE…], which I should finish today-ish. Tonight there’s a birthday party for both me and my dad, so that’s going to be fun :) Because quite a lot people couldn’t …

Busy on my birthday

Here I find myself sitting behind my laptop working at a project with a deadline this evening [or tomorrow, but I’d like to have something finished by the time I go get some dinner], having my room slowly emptied [some things already disappeared some days ago, lots of things …

Licensing your content: Creative Commons

I’ve just relicensed dammIT from the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 1.0 to the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 license and added meta tags to the source, so it can be automatically recognized by applications. Why Creative Commons? Because I want to make a statement for Free content and Free Speech, be it for …

Our nation’s future: educated people

I’ve been making a point of our country cutting student support over and over again for some time now, but I just read Alextreme’s Studypoints and Logic Factories and that reminded me of it. He words my feelings about it in a nice way: Now however we’ve …