
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten


Yay, in a few hours I’ll leave The Netherlands by night bus and switch from something we call snow here [at about 0 degrees Celcius] for something that really is snow [at about -18 to -26 degrees Celcius] in Tignes, France. That’s in Val d’Isere, and seems to be a paradise for snowboarders, which is nice as I can envy all those cool boarders while trying to stay with two feet on my own board. I’ll take some lessons and then I’ll just see how fast everybody gets enough of it and starts throwing snowballs to each other.

I’ll be away until Tuesday next week [yeah, only 3 days of real snow fun, but hey, our company pays the bills ;)] and wonder how much booze we’re going to manage to consume in that timespan. Check us out on the various Tignes webcams ;). Or rather, don’t :P