
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten

Michiel Scholten Articles

A solution to some odd Gnome 3.16 issues

I'm running Ubuntu Gnome 15.04 with the ppa's to bring me Gnome 3.16 (gnome3-team and gnome3-staging). After a bit of fiddling (removing some old extensions and packages), I got it to show me GDM. After getting into the desktop, there were some odd issues though. These issues also …

Meeting budgets: an idea to keep meetings useful

You need meetings. No really, you do. Your team has to line up, get and stay on target and decisions have to be made. The same goes with your stakeholders. However, everyone knows about those meetings that seem to go on forever, have too many participants and/or seem to …

Acer C720p Chromebook: my new hacktop

After Chromebook: for fun and profit? @ 2014-10-05 I got myself an Acer C720p for cheap. It's new, just cheap, as that's how Chromebooks go :) It has a new-fangled touchscreen, which I actually tend to use while on Chrome OS. I hadn't thought I would do so (hey, it's a laptop …

Eleven years and counting

Yesterday this weblog turned eleven. I haven't always been that faithful to it, having times I didn't post for months (my inspiration apparently comes in waves). However, even though I've been using social media like Twitter for ages (five and a half year it seems), I keep on posting here …

update_repos: keep up-to-date with your projects

While I was standardising my dotfiles I wanted to have an easy and quick way to update my projects so repositories weren't out of date when I wanted to use them (for example when being offline on the train), and I didn't want to go through them by hand every …

Chromebook: for fun and profit?

I'm thinking about getting me one of those Chromebooks. Preferably a cheap, light, small one (the 11" Samsung for example), which I can almost literally throw into my backpack and take wherever I go. The first reason I'd do so is because I'm curious to the platform and the experience …

Work mail on (private) phone: a good thing?

Work mail, every working person has it. I have it. Thankfully not lots and lots of messages per day, but it's still a part of my everyday routine. We each got a company-provided laptop with email (and Lync - the old Microsoft Communicator - for phone and instant messaging), which I installed …

Website framework: database driven or flat files?

To counterweigh my professional life in which I (thankfully) build nice things in Python/Django, I have hobby projects in which I can thinker with whatever I want to build. Python is still my preferred language, but Django is not a necessity. I have some legacy projects of my own …

Planet mobile

Sixteen years ago I had a pda. Not one of those nifty Palm devices or expensive Psion's. No, a regular organizer; a little electronic device with a whopping 128KB of storage which you could fold shut like a litte book. Opened, it provided a nice little qwerty-keyboard and about 4 …

Converting a bunch of tarballs to a Git repository

We've all been there. Well, I've been there at least; before discovering the virtues of a real version control system, I just created a snapshot of my projects by tarring and compressing the directory tree. That way I've a bunch of histories locked inside backup dir per project. When I …

Converting Mercurial to Git(hub)

I'm a fan of version control systems, as they allow me to thinker with my files (both source code and text files with notes and such) to my heart's delight without having to worry about thing getting lost. I can change and update programs, websites and such and can see …

Fixing samba on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)

I recently built a new at-home server, which basically is just a self-built NAS. Sharing via NFS worked immediately and other services were set up soon after. Then came Samba. Samba (or smb) is used for Windows shares, but in our home our Linux-based NAS speaks the protocol with things …

Making vim even more cool

vim, the final editor. Well, for some people at least. People like me, we like to type their files, code and more inside of dark-coloured windows, mainly terminals and do not really care if those files are local on their laptop, on the server at their feet or on some …
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Public service announcement on this Mother's Day

Before the end of the year I won't be a fulltime geek anymore. I will be a fulltime example for a new member of our society and parttime geek. Though I see possibilities to combine the two without doing too many concessions ;) Our close family and nearest friends have known …
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