
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten


Happy fair use day!

From today on Boing Boing: Happy fair use day! Go quote something! Fair use is the smallest part of the public's side of copyright. Sure, we have the right to quote, time-shift, format-shift, transform and so on. But the big piece is all the stuff that copyright shouldn't/doesn't touch …

Dr. Who

I have a craving. A television channel here in the Netherlands aired the first season of the new Dr. Who episodes a good two years back, but I've not seen any new ones after that. As my girlfriend prefers not having to concentrate on English after a day hard work …

Music at night

People turning on their music at 7:20AM [when you finally have a slower day] should die. If they do so at 3:30AM, they should die horribly... Fun, having neighbours above you...

Failure in design

This week, a "Do Not Disturb" sign was hang on every door knob in our street. It was an advertisement for anti-burglary protection. However, this campaign could have very well a negative impact, as for example, a house across our street had it hanging there for two days straight - meaning …

Observations in public transport

The other day, I was sitting in a metro racing in the general direction of my university. The girl sitting opposite me was chewing bubble gum. In itself, that's far from special, but do people realise they really don't look intelligent when chewing that material loudly with an open mouth …

Update on Life and Such

I've not been posting much lately, but I've been quite busy. No real excuse, I know, but it's the best I have ;) I'm still preparing a largish post on our recent move to a newer, bigger, better home. I need to fix some images for it, and wrap it all …

Forum spam

*sigh* I just deleted several hundreds of spam accounts, and dozens of spam topics on the aquariusoft.org forum. Tightened the authentication a bit too. Let's hope it'll be ok this way :) Spam sucks; I get an average of 80 spam emails per day, which are filtered conveniently in my …

Dreaming in Hex

I had the strangest dream last night. I dreamt that the world became a bit better, and a bit more fun to live in; that gave me a fuzzy feeling of course, but when I tried communicating with people on my computer, all messages where "09 F9 11 02 9D …

gaim is dead, long live gaim^H^H^H^Hpidgin

Today, I read a posting on the Gaim weblog that's big news in the project's history. It basically means Gaim doesn't exist anymore. But don't grieve, they've renamed it to Pidgin. This all because of legal struggles with the nice company known as AOL. They also renamed their libgaim to …

When the birds awake

It was 6:10AM when my alarm clock gently started humming a tune from the radio. It was still dark [thanks, DST...], but I heard some birds already singing their morning songs. Groggily I stuffed some sandwiches in my mouth while getting some suitable day-clothes on, hoping they would match …

Spam and other annoying stuff

And I'm at the exactly 6000 spam messages again in my email spam folder, counting from the first of January this year. That'd be... well, about 70,59 messages per day. Thank the gods for Spamassassin... In further news, I'm studying for two exams I have this week; the one …

Use irssi on your server, get notifications locally

I've been using irssi for quite a while as my primary IRC client, running in a screen session on my server so I'm always online. However, when someone says my nick, I only notice when looking at the terminal it's running in, and it shouldn't have scrolled out of sight …

Lightweight soda drink bottles

Open closet door Notice how all empty bottles come crashing down on you Sigh and try to stuff them back on the shelf Start to get more annoyed because they won't stay upright Direct some angry kicks inside the closet Find that this doesn't solve your problem Patiently [while fuming …

Dealing with annoying passengers

If you are sitting next to someone who irritates you on a plane or train follow these instructions: Quietly and calmly open up your laptop case Remove your laptop Start up Make sure the guy who is annoying you, can see the screen Close your eyes and tilt your head …