
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten

posts Articles

Ordering hardware

So I ordered some new hardware parts for building a decent workstation a while ago. Today I received the first batch: two 750GB sata hdd’s, making a nice grand total of 1.5TB :) However, I also received an email stating that the processor I ordered - a Intel core2duo E8400 …

Things that make me hum

This morning I was sitting in my car driving towards work. I had some nice music on the stereo and the sun was starting to warm the land. These are conditions in which I naturally start to hum along with the music, even singing along. This Wednesday was even better …


Let’s just say I converted some of my savings into a much needed hardware upgrade of my workstation. *rubs hands in glee*


Sooo, my hackerkey is: v4p-3.62/-4.15sw6CHJPRUYhw5ln5pr6OPSck4ma8u7FLSw0m5l7Di2e6t4MTWXb8AGHMOSen6a26s7IMr9g3CGOTZ or plain text: v4p-3.62/-4.15sw6CHJPRUYhw5ln5pr6OPSck4ma8u7FLSw0m5l7Di2e6t4MTWXb8AGHMOSen6a26s7IMr9g3CGOTZ hackerkey.com This weird string tells you more about me than you’d think if you take a little time to learn what it all means.

And then there where only 7

My girlfriend and I have been blessed with all our grandparents alive when we got to know each other. Because of this, we each got to know two extra couples of great people. Thankfully they are relatively young and only suffer the occassional illnesses and annoyances everyone eventually encounters when …

Debugging Voice over IP

Yesterday our provider [Speedlinq, or Telfort Internet or GreenISP or whatever they want to call themselves nowadays] switched to another VoIP platform for ADSL connections. They sent a letter with a cd-rom for changing the settings in VoIP-enabled ADSL modems, but we have a VoIP phone, with SIP routed through …

o/` Zombie o/`

April Fool’s day went by quite un-eventful. I even missed the normally tradional pink Ponies layout on Slashdot. Some other sites (like Engadget) had some pink accents, but still. Of course, my whole day was spent writing on a paper and presentation for a course Literature Study (hence the …

I quit

I’ve had it. I’m done with being a student and following courses, doing practicals and projects. Maybe it’s because it’s all a mess in my head and I don’t get any rest, being it in the evening or in weekends. I just want my 9-5 …

Just another Monday morning

Hm, what is with me starting weblog postings and taking a while to finish them? You might find some more posts after this one which I started this weekend/last week. Sooo, the construction company that was going to [finally] impregnate one of the outher walls of our house against …

apt-get and installing recommends by default

Now for a geeky post. Since a while, apt installs recommended packages by default too alongside the dependencies, like aptitude does. However, you might pull in quite a lot of packages you don’t really need that way. Here’s how to stop it: apt-get install -o APT::Install-Recommends=false …

Weekday morning annoyances

When it’s finally some good weather again [even nice and sunny] and you’re driving to your work over that obnoxious 80km/h road and a guy in front of the queue of cars drives in turns 50 and 80km/h, making for a nice 65km/h average and …


*grin*, how coherent was that? :) I guess that intartubes thingee is melting my brain or something. For those remotely interested in what I meant yesterday: I had been adding functionality to my weblog software [simplog] a year or so ago to be able to save drafts and such, but didn …


Heh, just noticed I posted the 666th rant in this weblog [well, the system did, after I fixed the automatic posting of webmarks]. Fixing some long-standing issues with my weblog software can make things a lot easier for me :) [FYI: I have to edit some minor things in the database …

A new Spring

The day this spring began, also was the beginning of a new chapter in my online life: a server in a real datacenter. No more 1MBit connection, which also was a tad flaky because of my ADSL connection’s signal being quite weak at 3600+m from the exchange, but …

Migration time

Tuesday I migrated most of the web services hosted on aquariusoft.org to my new server, which is colocated and therefor has a far faster and reliable connection than my home-hosted box. Some things will not return, like the forum [was never really used], other things might still be somewhat …