
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten

posts Articles

IBM battling back, me stuck with algebra

IBM files counterclaim against SCO, saying SCO “literally copied more than 783,000 lines of code from these sixteen packages of IBM’s copyrighted material”. Now, that code is licensed under the GPL and/or LGPL, but SCO has renounced, disclaimed, and breached the GPL and therefore the GPL does …

Firefox security goodness

There are now a couple of security spoofs out there for Mozilla Firefox. Unlike IE there is an easy way to catch them that is not often mentioned. Simply type in about:config into the address bar, then search for and change these settings to true: recommended: dom.disable_window_open_feature.location …

Study, what’s that again?

So, basically I’m busy studying for some re-examinations I’ve to do the next two weeks. But, you know, studying on the same desk as your internet connected pc just doesn’t work. At least not for me. IRC is just too tempting, as is reading the backlog of …

Going webbased

Lately I’ve seen myself following a trend of putting more and more work in online tools. I’ve had an online linkdump for ages now, but since Sitebar integrated in Firefox it’s serious. Furthermore, I switched from various standalone RSS aggregators to Bloglines, a free online service. Besides …

Need sleep

OK, I figured that when I have to work [or want to do anything productive in general], I should sleep the night before. I went to bed at around 2AM [think it was even later], for the zillionth time the day before I have to work. Luckily, there’s such …

The problem with information

Ever since I was a kid I read lots; hundreds of books before even turning twelve. The Commodore 64 and our 386 wheren’t that great sources of written information. They where great fun [spell: great games], but computers got me reading when I started to learn myself Delphi. You …

Body, mind and keys

What is it with computer “geeks” like me and doing computer stuff for hours and hours and then some? I have to be reminded sometimes to get something to drink or even get breakfast. I’ve more than once had breakfast at 3PM while being awake since 11AM or even …

Fiddling with gpg keys

I’m currently playing with GPG tools [like enigmail for mozilla-thunderbird - just do an “apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail”!] and gpg frontend [seahorse] to finally get a GPG key of my own. What is a software developing geek in this world without GPG key? ;)

Software that lasts 200 years

Interesting piece about the throw-away-thinking of the current software. Where paper is readable as far as over a thousand years, current electronical documents tend to be unreadable after as much as 20 or 25 years [think Word Perfect and older word processors]. Of course there are filters for the most …

Random tidbits, lots of work

Just discovered cowsay thanks to Vermyndax on #morphix at irc.freenode.org . Together with fortunes you get gems like: _________________________________ --------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (**)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ U ||----w | || || And [shut your eyes if you find this offensive]: _________________________________________ / The only way to get rid of a temptation \ | is to …

aquamorph v0.2

Ow, did I mention it’s online? ;) Comments and fan remarks go to: the forumthread at the morphix site or to aquamorph at aquariusoft dot org. Site is here.

aquamorph getting ready for consumption

I baked some testing versions today, spawning this result. Not that it’s earth shattering or an even remotely interesting screenie, but it’s the new aquamorph coming to fruition. I just finished a little help document and an update of the installed packages [ooh, some last-minute update of xfce4 …


Oh, and if anybody is bored, please take a look at my blogmarks page if you didn’t already know it. I tend to post funny or sometimes even interesting stuff there.

Working on aquamorph

No, I’m not dead. I’m just quite busy with some projects, my work and that evil thing called Real Life ;) Also, I decided to try to post some more meaningfull blog entries like I used to do [meaning of life, why public traffic sucks and about technomancers - preparing …

A quite verbose story about a week offline

While they had some defunct wifi access points in the hotel [I’m glad they wheren’t operational], I had a very nice week off with my girlfriend in a hotel in the woods of the piece of nature called the Veluwe. I couldn’t resist taking my pda [with …

Back again

So I’m back again from a week spend at a hotel with very nice surroundings. I’ll be posting a kind of diary shortly, when I’ve edited out the private details ;)


I’m leaving tomorrow to some place in the middle of nowhere - as in some very nice hotel in the centre of the Netherlands with plenty of woods and moor to cycle through to forget the online life for a while. I can’t take my laptop with me [my …