
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten

#life Articles

Home update

As we bought a house last year, we’re actively following its process of being built. Photograph-loving people as we are, we document the timeline graphically. The side not facing the street, aka the garden side :)

Back to school

So tomorrow I’ll be off to my university again to follow a course. Interesting sensation. Nice to go to Amsterdam again though :) *puts laptop in bag*

Main website restyled

So to unwind from wrapping up stuff for university, I put some time into restyling my main website, aquariusoft.org. It’s a lot cleaner, has less links leading everywhere and is easier on the eye. I’ll post some before/after pics tomorrow.

18 years old +10

So, 28. That’s 9 years of pretending to be 18 and 10 years away from really being it. Oh well, at least I’m not 30 yet. Yet. Thanks for another year. This one will be awesome.

The little things

On my way back from work it started to snow tiny flakes. When I stopped at a traffic light, they turned out to be beautiful snow crystals, 3 to 4mm across. Made me smile.

A very good 2010!

2009 was a weird year; on the one hand it was quite bland, on the other we did some real cool things, like going on a mind-blowing trip through southern Africa, jumping on the wedding train (the actual fact will take place this new year) and buying a house, amongst …


I was very pleasantly surprised this morning by my girlfriend with a breakfast-on-bed service :) She got me the Zen TV DVD - Video Retrospective with a bunch of video clips of great music and even a video mash-up! I’m currently browsing it on my laptop [libdvdcss sure comes handy]. Really …