- Sun 23 August 2015
- howto
- Michiel Scholten
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You might be in that same situation as I was until recently: you open up your ssh config file and start scrolling through the long list of nicely aliased private machines, that organically grown list of work - project A
and the comment-section-divided work - project B
, work - misc
, work - are these still even on?
and work - I have no clue why these are even in here
At least you have them separated in sections.
However, to make my life a bit easier and to be able to generate parts of the list (for example), I decided that I would try my hand at a config.d
directory with separate files that the real ~/.ssh/config
file is generated from.
Here it is:
# SSH config merge
if [ -e ~/.ssh/config.d ]; then
#if find ~/.ssh/config.d -mindepth 1 -print -quit | grep -q .; then
# Do we have config files in that directory?
if find ~/.ssh/config.d -print -quit | grep -q .; then
newestconfig=$(find ~/.ssh/config.d/* -printf '%T+ %p\n' | sort -r | head -n1 | awk '{print $2}')
if [ "$newestconfig" -nt ~/.ssh/config ]; then
# We found a config that's newer than the generated config file, re-generate
[ -e ~/.ssh/config ] && mv ~/.ssh/config ~/.ssh/config.bak.$(date -Ins)
# Lets preserve order, so you can have 00_generic 10_homestuff 20_work1 21_work2 and such
find ~/.ssh/config.d/* -type f -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -n1 cat > ~/.ssh/config
Well, this is the supporting code that is supposed to go in your ~/.bashrc
. When a new shell is opened, it checks whether there is a file in ~/.ssh/config.d/
that is newer than the file ~/.ssh/config
is, and only then the files are concatenated together to that certain file. They are sorted alphanumerically, so you can have a naming scheme like:
The 00_base
one in my list contains some ssh configuration that might be of interest:
# == Generic config ======
TCPkeepAlive yes
ServerAliveInterval 30
# Re-use existing ssh connections
Host *
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/sockets/%r@%h-%p
ControlPersist 600
If you are interested in my other dotfiles, I have them online in version control like the coding hipster I am ;)