
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten

Michiel Scholten Articles

Comments and spam

Sooo, I just enabled posting of comments on my brain blurps again. I hope I won’t get swamped in spam again and keep this interaction open for interesting feedback…

Beautiful, perfect, supreme chunk of paper

I started this piece as a blogmark, but decided to make a decent post out of it. The BBC has an interesting piece on the case for books in an era which sees e-book readers coming into play: What is the most flexible, intelligent, interactive data retrieval system yet to …

Hi, My Name Is…

When I saw burner’s post of device names, I thought I’d make it a meme :) Or at least, add my own list: river - workstation galadriel - laptop aquatix - nokia n810 internet tablet comm - cellphone luna - home server higgs - colocated server Those are the devices/machines I currently use daily …


The Google Chrome browser is quite interesting. It’s rather fast because of the use of Webkit, it looks rather slick and it shows that there’s gone quite some thought into the default features. I miss mouse gestures, adblock and bookmark sync though. Not sure whether Google itself will …

Mario Kart

What does it tell me when I see a bump in the road and I want to whip up my controller so I get a speed boost? Especially when I remember I’m in my own car, not on a speedy Mach Bike… Also, it’s great fun trying to …

Embedded journalism

Today in our coverage on the War on Logic: my home town. An important cross road is being revamped - which is good - but work on it has been going on for a while. Because it’s the main connection to the highway it’s always busy, especially during rush hour …


I got a shady proposal from the webmaster of a gambling site, suggesting a deal to increase pagerank for us both. I wonder how many people will actually agree to do this… From: "Chris R. Bershad " > To: Me Subject: Freelance Link Developer Date: Thu …

Warm day

OK, you can consider a day too hot when a visit to a nicely air conditioned hairdresser is preferred above sitting in your cave, slowly getting cooked.

Digital Archeology

Yesterday a thought struck me again, and I decided to finally dive into my collection of old harddisks. I even found the archive with old Outlook Express .dbx files. Yes, there was a time I used windows and even that crappy e-mail client that shipped with it, as Thunderbird didn …


So my internet service provider Telfort [GreenISP] transferred our connection to their own network after taking over the brand/ISP Speedlinq, but then proceeds to send an e-mail about how to configure our modem the day after. That’s much fun if you don’t have a functional connection because …


Hm, my hate of ISP‘s has got a slight boost today. I remotely work at my thesis in the vim editor on my home server through ssh, using subversion for version control etc. Currently, I’m at work. My ISP had planned to transfer our account to their new …