
A rantbox by Michiel Scholten

Meme #214: a London one

Apparently it started out as a London Meme, but as it got passed on by bmsleight to me, and it's fun anyway, I'll post my answer here.

  1. Top three non-work websites:
  2. Three favourite cocktails:
    • Mojito
    • A nice single-malt whisky without rocks or anything (no, not a cocktail, I'm more of a simple drink fan)
    • A nice cognac
  3. Top three karaoke songs:
    • none
    • whatsoever
    • (I don't like karaoke that much, but maybe I should get myself drunk one time and just try it :) )

I'll not pass this one on, as I'm not a Londoner. Was fun though and got me thinking I should try some more cocktails ;)